[arrl-odv:19706] IN-News

<<021611.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 7 February 16, 2011 -- Covers the period February 6-12. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: March 19 @ 8:30am - Chicago, IL Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP Managers have been asked to submit their text/narrative parts the 2010 Annual Report no later than March 15. The PR Committee meets Feb 16 using GoToMeeting and will be editing the PIO/PIC job descriptions following the recommendations of the PSC then working on the PIO Handbook. Work continues on moving the 3 main campaign websites to ARRL servers and the DIY focused video work proceeds on time. The MoU with the BSA was announced and the companion video is expected to be released this week. Materials have been ordered for the Amateur Radio reception at the NAB. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Things are quiet in Development as we complete work on several projects - the Diamond Club monthly giving mailings, the Member Loyalty recognition letters and certificates and the first issue of the 2011 Spectrum Defense Matters newsletter. Maxim Society major donors have been contacted regarding their benefit of the 2010 periodicals collection. The CD-collections are ready to mail and the personalized bound volumes are in production. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The April 2011 issue of QST has been released to the printer. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for February 10, 2011. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Lab Renovation We have started packing stuff in storage crates and boxes for the lab renovation-the big move will be on February 28. RFI Gordon Beattie, W2TTT at AT&T continues to report success in resolving U-Verse RFI cases. In addition, he has been active developing an internal process that involves both AT&T and ARRL. This process would ultimately help stream line resolution of U-Verse complaints as a routine matter. Laura Smith reports that she is again working on RFI cases at the FCC. She had been out of her office much of the time since the passing of her father on December 26th. Much of her time was spent traveling between Pennsylvania and Arizona, where he had lived. Mike Gruber made some updates to the new EMC Committee Web page. Brian Cramer, accompanied by Vice Director Kermit Carlson, conducted an RFI investigation at the station of Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI in Northbook, IL. This case has been ongoing with the utility since December of 2007. A recent FCC field investigation was also unable to locate the source. The involved utility, ComEd, has so far refused to hire a consultant. Brian and Kermit, however, were able to quickly locate the source to be within a utility owned substation. The Sounds of RFI Page volunteer Craig Miller, KA1GYB will be here on March 8, 2011 for training. Craig, who has agreed to take over the Page, should have it live shortly thereafter. Product Review Initial testing of a modern, high performance HF transceiver was completed. A Data table was created, along with data charts, which were passed along to the editor. The transceiver was turned over to the reviewer. Our test information was also passed along to the manufacturer, along with my observations and comments about spectral purity and other functional issues. The manufacturer is working to correct these issues and a modified sample radio will be sent to the Lab shortly. Testing of a second sample of a modern day, high performance transceiver (different make & model) was completed. These tests were needed to confirm modifications made in order for the transceiver to properly drive an RF amplifier. Test results were good thanks to the cooperation between the ARRL Lab and the manufacturer. The manufacturer was grateful and our members have a better product to choose from. Testing in the screen room will be suspended March 1st. The exact date of test resumption is unknown, but it is hoped to be by the third week of the month. Due to extra, after hours of testing, there will be no interruption of the product review process while the Lab is closed. Test equipment used for product review will be sent to Essco Labs for Calibration on March 2nd. This yearly calibration of key test equipment coincides with the renovation of the Laboratory. Dayton HamVention Kits used at the kit building exhibition at the Dayton Hamfest and at our National Convention this year are being investigated. It looks like our code practice oscillator (we already sell) and a super-regenerative receiver are the picks for this year. Each person who signs up at our exhibition will have the an opportunity to learn how to use soldering tools, follow instructions and the basic safety rules needed for the successful completion of each kit. Last year, we had many beginners of all ages attend our kit building sessions, as well as many who had built kits the previous year. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R January ended with 156,390 members, just 50 members short of the month goal of 156,440. 75% of January expirees paid on time, compared to 70% in January 2010. January product sales were $224,623. While sales were over $10,000 higher than January 2010, the amount fell short of the sales forecast of $273,975. Direct sales were $124,884; dealer sales were $99,739. Returns from a large membership campaign sent in mid-January have returned over 260 membership applications to date. The trial telemarketing campaign we conducted at the beginning of the month brought in 80 memberships, 57 of which were 2-year memberships. The warehouse crew fulfilled 867 packages for publication and product orders, 451 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. The annually-produced ARRL Periodicals CD-ROM (2010 edition) was fulfilled to all international members with that benefit option. The new 2011 ARRL Field Day logo was completed (see www.arrl.org/FieldDay). The design planning team included Jackie Ferreira, Dan Henderson, Bob Inderbitzen, Sean Kutzko, graphic designer Sue Fagan and illustrator David Pingree. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and one endorsement. He processed regular QSL card requests. He made updates to some of the W1AW web pages. Joe also installed some new rack shelves in the broadcast racks. (These shelves replaced the sliding drawers that were used for the old Harris transceivers.) He also repaired the tuned input circuitry on the Command Technologies 40-meter broadcast amplifier. This circuit somehow shorted and baked a few of its components. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the middle part of the month of February. Field Organization/Public Service Team ARRL HQ received the monthly Region 1 Monitoring report which was forwarded to our volunteer monitors. Several good follow-up reports were received from Official Observers this week. One involved language being used on an Eastern Massachusetts repeater which has been resolved. Another dealt with hearing audio along with a PSK-31 signal. When the station in question was contacted, the operator discovered an oversight in equipment set-up and corrected it. An Oregon Official Observer discovered a local FM broadcast station was using a 2 meter frequency as a link to simulcast programming to another station. After being contacted, the broadcast station shut down this link. East Bay OOs are investigating fishermen using 2 meters, and Nebraska OOs are checking on incidents reported on 10 meters. Questions handled this week involved helping a member find information on our webpage, mailing out PRB-1 information, finding volunteer counsel, and finding information on AMTS stations. The Field Organization Team is assisting the Emergency Preparedness Team in updating the on-line ARES Registration form, and discussions are underway to improve this form. In addition, Section Leaders from around the country have been reporting their January activity reports for compilation by HQ staff for the Field Organization Reports segment of April QST. At the end of the work week, Roland Spoon, AH6RR, the Section Traffic Manager of the Pacific Section, visited Headquarters, took the tour and operated W1AW. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Joel Kleinman 2/28-3/1 Vacation Barry Shelley 2/18 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 2/19 Vacation Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative Dave Sumner 2/12-2/22 Conference Preparatory Meeting, Geneva Brennan Price 2/14-2/25 Conference Preparatory Meeting, Geneva Bob Allison 2/18-2/19 Arizona State Convention, Yuma, AZ Joel Hallas 2/25-2/26 Vermont State Convention, Colchester, VT Harold Kramer 3/4-3/5 South Texas Section Convention, Rosenberg, TX Mary Hobart 3/11-3/13 North Carolina Section Convention, Concord, NC Allen Pitts 4/15-4/18 Communications Academy, Seattle, WA
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ