[arrl-odv:17091] Re: Current Licensing Structure

Coy Day wrote:
My feelings are that we don't test people into being "fully qualified". We test to see if they are qualified to begin learning amateur radio through experience.
For what it's worth, the analogy that I use, especially when I teach Tech classes, is that the first license especially is a "learner's permit" that allows the licensee to get out on the road in some places that would inconvenience fewer people than others. I could extend the analogy, but I'm sure you get the idea. If I were trying to engage the fellow in an argument, I'd ask what specifically about the old process ensured that we didn't get lids into ham radio. I still can't figure that one out. I don't think it's possible to discuss this rationally with such people, since they are so stubborn in clinging to their views, regardless of the arguments and facts presented to them. -- 73, Greg, KØGW Vice Director, Dakota Division
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