You left out the part where Dave's mother signed the letter. <GRIN> Seriously, this is a nice comment and you can never have enough of this type. We certainly see the other type all too often. - Bill AR>As you might expect, I like getting e-mails like this! AR>Jim Haynie AR>================ AR>Dear Jim, AR>I dropped an e-mail to Dave Sumner praising him for his decision to trim AR>down QST due to economics and the fact that there are many things that AR>probably should be moved from QST to our website. I'm writing to tell AR>you AR>that I think Dave does one hell of a fine job. Dave's "It Seems To Us" AR>is AR>always provocative, interesting, and what he says needs to be said. I AR>have AR>always had the utmost respect and admiration for Dave. As we used to AR>say in AR>the military many long years ago about a person who did a great job, AR>Dave AR>really has his "stuff" wired straight. AR>I know that you guys are busier than the proverbial one armed paper AR>hanger, AR>but I feel strongly that if I see the League Staff, officers, directors, AR>members, whoever doing the good jobs that they are famous for, I need to AR>at AR>least voice my opinion and say 'well done'. AR>Thanks for taking the time to read this. No RSVP necessary.
participants (1)