[ARRL-ODV:11816] 2005 Annual Meeting Minutes - Final

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Adoption of ARRL legislative priorities for the 109th Congress 10. Consideration of additional recommendations 11. Appointment of committees 12. Directors motions 1. Pursuant to due notice, the Board of Directors of the American Radio Relay League, Inc., met in annual session at the Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott in Windsor, Connecticut, on Friday, January 21, and Saturday, January 22, 2005. The meeting was called to order at 8:43 AM EST January 21 with President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, in the Chair and the following Directors present: Bernie Fuller, N3EFN, Atlantic Division George R. Isely, W9GIG, Central Division Jay Bellows, KØQB, Dakota Division Rick Roderick, K5UR, Delta Division Jim Weaver, K8JE, Great Lakes Division Frank Fallon, N2FF, Hudson Division Wade Walstrom, WØEJ, Midwest Division Tom Frenaye, K1KI, New England Division Greg Milnes, W7OZ, Northwestern Division Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Pacific Division Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, Roanoke Division Warren G. Rev Morton, WS7W, Rocky Mountain Division Frank M. Butler, W4RH, Southeastern Division Richard J. Norton, N6AA, Southwestern Division Coy Day, N5OK, West Gulf Division Also present without vote were Joel M. Harrison, W5ZN, First Vice President; Kay C. Craigie, N3KN, Vice President; Rod Stafford, W6ROD, International Affairs Vice President; James McCobb, W1LLU, Treasurer; David Sumner, K1ZZ, Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer and Secretary; Chief Financial Officer Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY; Chief Development Officer Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH; and Chief Technology Officer Paul Rinaldo, W4RI. Also in attendance at the invitation of the Board as observers were Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) President Earle W. Smith, VE6NM; Oscar A. Oropeza, XE1O, representing Federación Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores (FMRE) President Dr. Carlos Levy, XE1YK; and the following Vice Directors: William Edgar, N3LLR, Atlantic Division; Howard Huntington, K9KM, Central Division; Twila Greenheck, NØJPH, Dakota Division; Henry Leggette, WD4Q, Delta Division; Joyce Birmingham, KA2ANF, Hudson Division; Bruce Frahm, KØBJ, Midwest Division; Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, New England Division; Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, Northwestern Division; Andy Oppel, N6AJO, Pacific Division; Rev. Les Shattuck, K4NK, Roanoke Division; Brian P. Mileshosky, N5ZGT, Rocky Mountain Division; Nelson E. Sandy Donahue, W4RU, Southeastern Division; Edward Ned Stearns, AA7A, Southwestern Division; and Dr. David Woolweaver, K5RAV, West Gulf Division. Also present were General Counsel Christopher D. Imlay, W3KD; John Chwat and Zach DeWaters of Chwat and Co., ARRLs Washington D.C. legislative consultant; Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG; Field and Educational Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO; Sales and Marketing Manager Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV; Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President David Patton, NN1N; and Harold R. Kramer, WJ1B. Vice Director Dick Mondro, W8FQT, Great Lakes Division, sent his regrets at being unable to attend. 2. The assembly observed a moment of silence in recollection of Radio Amateurs who have passed away since the previous Board meeting, especially Robert R. Adams, W8BKO; Michael J. Mike Anuta, W8HKY; Wilford T. Bell, W7TNJ; Francis Theodore Blatt, KH6KH; Stanley L. Burghardt, W0IT; Rosemarie Calaway, WA0MNL; Alan B. Caplan, K4AVQ; Philip J. Carpenter, K1DFC; John W. Chapman, N0KIC; William J. Bill Cornelius, K8XC; James P. Dalterio, KZ1M; Bill Diaper, KJ6KQ; William E. Bill Fanckboner, W9INN; Jim Goldsberry, KD4GR; William J. Hall, W1JP; Robert W. Hedman Jr., KE5AHO; Donald M. Don Johnson, WA0EPX; Larry Kayser, VA3LK/WA3ZIA; Margaret Koerner, K0IQ; John D. Kraus, W8JK; Bruce Muscolino, W6TOY; Peter J. Naish, VK2BPN; Christopher E. Phelps, N2YQP; Clarence E. Reaver, W3YD; Charles Chuck Reville, K3FT; Charles R. Schwartz, W1TE; Vernon L. Thackeray, W5CSY; Darwin C. Dar Thompson, K6USW; William O. Troetschel, W7LVO (ex K6UQH); George S. Van Dyke, W3HK; James C. Walsh, W7LVN; Bobby J. White, KG5VG; Stewart M. Wilansky, NU1P; Mabelle Woolweaver, K5ICF; and Arthur Zavarella, W1KK. 3. Mr. Sumner introduced Mr. Harold Kramer, WJ1B, as ARRLs incoming Chief Operating Officer. President Haynie introduced the new Directors and Vice Directors attending for the first time, Mr. Dick Norton, N6AA and Mr. Ned Stearns, AA7A of the Southwestern Division, and Mr. Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, of the Rocky Mountain Division. The President of the Radio Amateurs of Canada, Mr. Earle Smith, VE6NM, delivered his greetings from RAC. Mr. Smith expressed his gratitude for the continued good relations between the two organizations and the attendance of President Haynie at RAC Board meetings. Mr. Oropeza, XE1O, a past President of FMRE, conveyed his greetings and the intentions of the FMRE officers to work towards expanding Amateur Radio in Mexico and to cooperate with ARRL in any area possible. 4. Mr. Frenaye, as President, reported on the activities of the ARRL Foundation. He noted the creation of the Jean Cebik Memorial scholarship. He also reported that 40 scholarships averaging $1000 each were awarded in 2004. The overall fund balance of the Foundation is static at about $2.1 million. 5. On motion of Mr. Roderick, seconded by Mr. Bodson, the Board APPROVED the following items listed on the Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes of 2004 Second Meeting. Receipt of officers reports except for those of President Haynie, Treasurer McCobb, Chief Executive Officer Sumner, and Chief Financial Officer Shelley, where discussion had been requested. Receipt of General Counsels report. Receipt of committee and coordinator reports except those of the Administration and Finance Committee, the Programs and Services Committee, the Election and Ethics Committee, and the Ad Hoc 2005 National Convention Committee. 6. There were no proposals for amendments to the Articles of Association or Bylaws. 7. President Haynie began his supplementary oral remarks with congratulations to International Affairs Vice President Stafford on his election as President of IARU Region 2 at its 2004 conference in Trinidad and Tobago. He outlined his plans for an upcoming trip to Central America that will include presentations to government education leaders about using Amateur Radio to help promote learning electronics and technical trades. He then related his ever-present concerns over ARRL membership figures and the recent decline in membership. He added that there exists a yearly churn in membership that affects most organizations. 8. Treasurer McCobb expanded upon his written report with news that ARRLs investment portfolio is strong and up over $1 million over the previous year with the gain attributable mostly to appreciation. He added that he expects a combination of higher dividends and higher interest rates to improve the portfolios income in the coming years. 9. Mr. Sumner discussed the written report of the Chief Executive Officer and entertained questions about possible collaborations with similar organizations to reach people who may find second or third avocations in Amateur Radio. ARRL has pursued such possibilities, most recently through participation in the meetings of the U.S. Power Squadrons, a large boating enthusiast group. 10. Chief Financial Officer Shelley supplemented his written report with an overview of how Fiscal Year 2004 saw ARRL return to a balanced budget through reduced expenses even though revenues were generally down. He reported that membership numbers continue to trend downward since the last FCC licensing action in 2000. The Board was in recess from 10:10 AM until 10:33 AM. 11. Mr. Chwat expanded his written report with discussion of ARRLs strategy for the 109th Congress. He believes that this Congress is very contentious and every effort by the League must be made on the Hill to work towards supporting the vision of Amateur Radios role in emergency communications. He also added that Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) is the number one priority of his staff, but it is a dull topic for most congressional staffs and will require creative effort to overcome. He expects the Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act to be reintroduced in the 109th Congress by Representative Bilirakis and to continue to gain support. 12. On motion of Mr. Stafford, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was unanimously VOTED that the Secretary of the American Radio Relay League is instructed to cast a vote on behalf of the American Radio Relay League in favor of International Amateur Radio Union proposal #240, concerning the admission of the Association des Radioamateurs de Guinée (ARGUI) into the International Amateur Radio Union. The Board was in recess for luncheon from 11:55 PM until 1:15 PM when the group gathered for a photograph session. At 1:25 PM the Board reconvened with all persons hereinbefore mentioned. 13. Mr. Sumner showed a new ARRL video public service announcement that was produced by Mr. Jerry Martin, KC9BDA, of Libertyville, Illinois. The video was based on text written by ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, with voice-over assistance from members of the Broadcast Employees Amateur Radio Society in New York City. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by the entire Board, it was unanimously VOTED that the Chief Executive Officer is to write letters of gratitude to the volunteers for their work. Mr. Chwat and Mr. DeWaters left the meeting at 1:30 PM. 14. At this point the Chair opened nominations for the office of Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Sumner nominated Mr. Kramer. On motion of Mr. Morton, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Kramer elected as Chief Operating Officer (Applause). 15. The Chair opened nominations for Director members of the Executive Committee for one-year terms. Mr. Roderick nominated Mr. Walstrom, Mr. Isely, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Fallon. Mr. Isely nominated Mr. Roderick. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was VOTED to close nominations. On motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Day, it was VOTED that a single ballot be cast for these candidates, whereupon the Chair declared the nominees, as listed, elected as Executive Committee members (Applause). 16. The Chair opened nominations for ARRL Foundation Directors. Mr. Isely nominated Mr. Gene Hastings, W1VRK, Mr. Bellows, and Mr. Milnes. On motion of Mr. Vallio, seconded by Mr. Walstrom, it was VOTED to close nominations. Balloting not being required, the Chair declared the nominees elected for three-year terms as Directors of the ARRL Foundation (Applause). 17. Mr. Harrison gave the report of the Executive Committee, the bulk of which concerned the ARRLs draft petition to the FCC concerning band segmentation by bandwidth. He reported that the committee recommended some changes to the petition, including increasing the bandwidth allowed in a portion of the 30 meter band for non-telephony emissions. Additionally the committee recommended changes to some Standing orders. 18. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Morton, it was VOTED that Standing Orders 5, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, and 56 are hereby deleted; and Standing Orders 2, 9, 13, 19, 23, 33, 43, and 52 are amended as proposed by the Executive Committee. 19. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Walstrom it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL 2004 International Humanitarian Award be awarded to Dr. Glenn R. Johnson, W0GJ, of Bemidji, Minnesota, to recognize his contributions as a medical emissary to Bhutan, and for the numerous times he has practiced and taught Amateur Radio in that developing country (Applause.) 20. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Fallon, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the ARRL Board of Directors in July, 2003 ordered the establishment of an ad hoc committee of members to develop a comprehensive program to enhance the current ARES emergency communications capability to include rapid and accurate handling of long range (interstate, national, and international) emergency communications; and WHEREAS, this ad hoc committee, later referred to as ARESCOM, has been constituted and has worked tirelessly to not only complete its appointed task, but has also implemented and made available as an additional ARES tool a working network; and WHEREAS, the ARRL Board of Directors in July, 2004 encouraged the deployment of e-mail via Amateur Radio (such as Winlink 2000) as an additional emergency capability provided to agencies served by ARES and requested ARESCOM to extend its efforts to conclude in January 2005; and WHEREAS, the ARESCOM participants have worked tirelessly and professionally to complete its appointed task and develop and implement a working, functional network to serve ARES; NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRL Board of Directors extends its full appreciation to all of those who served as members of ARESCOM for their personal and professional contributions in both completing the assigned task and making an implemented, functional network available to ARES. 21. Following further discussion of the Programs and Services Committees report, during which time the Board was in recess from 2:37 PM until 3:02 PM, on motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Butler, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the VEC system, and more particularly the ARRL VEC has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary of service to the amateur community; and WHEREAS, volunteer examiners have contributed thousands of hours; BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRL Board implement a listing of volunteer examination participation by state and callsign to be published and available to all via the ARRL web site. 22. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Fuller, it was moved that Standing Order 04-1.39 is amended to read: The Board of Directors authorizes the attendance of Vice Directors at Board meetings. Expenses for attendance will be chargeable to the Board Meeting account. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED to call the question. The question then being on the original motion, same was ADOPTED. 23. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Frenaye, it was MOVED that the 2005-2006 Plan as proposed is accepted. After discussion, the motion FAILED. On motion of Mr. Milnes, as a member of the prevailing side on the previous vote, seconded by Mr. Isely, also a member of the prevailing side, it was VOTED to reconsider the previous motion. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Butler it was VOTED that the 2005-2006 Plan as proposed is accepted. 24. On motion of Ms. Craigie, seconded by Mr. Harrison, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the Industry Advisory Council was established by the ARRL Board of Directors in 1992 as a result of long-range planning recommendations; and WHEREAS, subsequent changes in Amateur Radio and in the structure of the Headquarters staff have brought ARRL and industry closer together in more regular and efficient dialogue and cooperation; and WHEREAS, the Industry Advisory Council, which involves only a few entities from Amateur Radios for-profit sector, is no longer the best approach the League can take to promote and maintain open two-way communication and active cooperation with industry; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Industry Advisory Council is dissolved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ARRL Board of Directors sincerely thanks all the companies which have participated in the Industry Advisory Council during the past twelve years and looks forward to future innovative, cooperative efforts in the best interests of Amateur Radio. 25. Mr. Fallon, as Chairman of both the Election and Ethics Committee and the Ad Hoc Legislative Action Committee, presented reports pertaining to both committees, with an extended explanation of the proposed plans for a Grassroots Legislative Action plan. On motion of Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mr. Weaver, it was VOTED that the ARRL Board affirms and supports the ARRL Grassroots Legislative Action Plan and asks that it be implemented immediately. 26. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Fallon, the following resolution was ADOPTED: WHEREAS, an ad hoc committee constituted by the ARRL Board of Directors tasked to develop a plan to implement a network to serve ARES at all levels (later known as ARESCOM) has completed its assigned task and also has implemented a functional digital network as a new tool for ARES; and WHEREAS, the resulting functional digital network requires continuing direction and guidance; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the ARRL Board of Directors establishes a committee, hereafter known as the ARESCOM Management Team. The team shall be appointed by, shall report to, and shall be overseen by the ARRL Field and Educational Services Department; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the function of this ARESCOM Management Team shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Resolve remaining implementation details; b. Oversee the overall management of the ARES digital network operation in cooperation with network subcomponent operators to promote continuous operation under all conditions; c. Encourage and support new, alternative digital network modes when such modes can be effectively used to expand the current ARES digital network; d. Work with emergency management officials at all levels to promote the use of the ARES digital network. 27. Mr. Frenaye, as Chairman, delivered an oral report on behalf of the ad hoc National Convention Committee. On motion of Mr. Milnes, seconded by Mr. Frenaye, it was VOTED that the report of the ad hoc National Convention Committee be accepted. 28. The Board was in recess from 5:06 PM until 8:41 AM, Saturday, January 22, 2004, reconvening with all persons hereinbefore mentioned except International Affairs Vice President Stafford, Director Bodson, and Vice Directors Fenstermaker and Stearns, who had to leave in order to avoid travel delays resulting from severe weather. Mr. Shattuck was in the Roanoke Division seat at the Table. 29. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Mr. Roderick, the following ARRL Legislative Positions for the 109th Congress were unanimously ADOPTED: Position #1: Consistent Application of FCC Limited Preemption Policy Toward Amateur Radio Antenna Systems. WHEREAS, the Federal Communications Commission in 1985 established a limited preemption policy which fairly balanced the Federal interest in protecting and enhancing Amateur Radio Emergency and Public Service communications and the legitimate, reasonable exercise of State and local land use jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, this policy has worked well in the intervening years to encourage reasonable accommodation of Amateur Radio residential antenna systems by municipal land use authorities; and WHEREAS, private land use regulations are pervasive and routinely frustrate the Federal interest in promoting Amateur Radio communications, and yet Congress and the FCC have each concluded that FCC clearly does have jurisdiction to preempt or limit private land use regulations to the extent that such regulations frustrate Federal communications policy; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League supports non-discriminatory application of the FCCs longstanding limited preemption policy to all types of land use regulations, in order to effectuate the important Federal interest in protecting and promoting Amateur Radio communications; AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League seeks Congressional instruction to the FCC to extend its limited preemption policy governing residential Amateur Radio antennas, so that private land use authorities cannot preclude, but must reasonably accommodate Amateur Radio communications in subdivisions and communities. Position # 2: Support for Federal Preemption of Telecommunications Regulation WHEREAS, a strong, coordinated national system of telecommunications is in the national interest; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the American Radio Relay League supports measures to improve federal management of telecommunications, including strengthening and improving the ability of the FCC to promulgate and enforce reasonable regulation of transmitter, receiver, and antenna issues, of the resolution of electromagnetic interference, and of operating rules. Position #3: Radio Spectrum Management by Auction WHEREAS, the management of allocation, assignment and auction of radio frequencies is a complex technical task; AND WHEREAS, spectrum auctions were introduced as a means of ensuring fair and timely assignment of licenses, not as a means of generating revenues to satisfy short-term objectives; AND WHEREAS, Amateur Radio, police, fire and other traditional public service users save lives and property on an entirely non-commercial basis, but lack the resources to participate in spectrum auctions; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the American Radio Relay League believes that spectrum auctions should not be used as a means to offset specific budget items, and that specific spectrum decisions should be made by expert professional agencies and not by Congress; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the American Radio Relay League believes that public service (including Amateur) radio frequency allocations under current US regulations should now be statutorily exempt from auction or reallocation to commercial services, whether on a primary or secondary basis, and that compensatory spectrum should be allocated whenever FCC or NTIA determine that an existing public service frequency must be reallocated to another radio service. Position #4: Preserve and Protect Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations WHEREAS, frequencies allocated to the Amateur Radio Service are the technological equivalent of a national park, where all may enjoy a natural resource for the purpose of experimentation, education and voluntary emergency communications, provided they demonstrate, through testing, that they are responsible users; AND WHEREAS, allocations to radiocommunication services protect those services against interference from unlicensed transmitters such as Part 15 devices; AND WHEREAS, Americans, through the Amateur Radio Service, may use a limited range of frequencies throughout the radio spectrum, often shared with government services; AND WHEREAS, an increasing amount of spectrum is subject to possible reallocation to the benefit of private economic interests; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League supports measures that would preserve and protect, on a primary basis, Amateur operator access to existing Amateur Radio Service and Amateur Satellite Service frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all properly licensed individuals, and protect against interference from unlicensed transmitters such as Part 15 devices operating on frequencies allocated to the Amateur Radio Service. Position #5: Mandatory RFI Standards for Consumer Electronic Devices WHEREAS, devices that emit radio energy are proliferating dramatically; AND WHEREAS, many home electronic devices lack the necessary filtering and shielding to function properly near the types of transmitters commonly found in residential areas; AND WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to have a robust, interference-free telecommunications environment; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League supports requiring the Federal Communications Commission to develop and implement effective mandatory standards for radio frequency susceptibility of consumer electronic devices. Position # 6: Opposing Restrictions on Radio Reception WHEREAS, in response to widely publicized incidents there have been some efforts to tighten the laws prohibiting the interception and disclosure of cellular telephone conversations; AND WHEREAS, laws already exist prohibiting such conduct both in the Communications Act (Sec. 105) and in the Electronic Communications Privacy Act provisions of the Criminal Code (18 USC 2510 et seq); AND WHEREAS, communications privacy in general is better achieved by technological advancement than by law or regulation; AND WHEREAS, statutory privacy prohibitions impede technological development and have a detrimental effect on a broad range of lawful radio users including some Amateur operators, volunteer fire departments, emergency medical services and others; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the American Radio Relay League opposes efforts to expand current prohibitions against the reception of radio signals beyond those that already exist, except insofar as such efforts strengthen or clarify existing prohibitions, and are specifically restricted to cellular and PCS services that interface with wireline communication. 30. General Counsel Imlay discussed several points from his written report and updated the assembly as to the progress and disposition of actions with the FCC and possible routes of action with respect to BPL. 31. On behalf of the President, First Vice President Harrison conveyed the committee assignments as follows: Administration and Finance: Directors Day, Chairman; Frenaye, Morton, Fuller, Milnes, Vice President Craigie, and Treasurer McCobb. Programs and Services: Directors Bellows, Chairman; Norton, Vallio, Weaver, Bodson, and International Affairs Vice President Stafford. Election and Ethics: Directors Isely, Chairman; Milnes, and Frenaye. The Board was in recess from 9:45 AM until 10:06 AM. 32. At this point, at 10:06 AM, on motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Mr. Morton, the Board VOTED to meet as a Committee of the Whole to discuss personnel issues. At 11:00 AM, the Committee of the Whole arose and reported to the Board. On motion of Mr. Vallio, seconded by Mr. Bellows, it was VOTED to accept the report. The Board was in recess from 11:00 AM until 11:12 AM at which time, in view of an impending winter storm, Directors Fallon and Butler and Vice Director Birmingham left the meeting. Mr. Donahue took the Southeastern Division seat at the Table. 33. On motion of Mr. Weaver, seconded by Mr. Roderick, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the ARRL as a member society exists because of its members; and WHEREAS, the degree of dedication its members have toward ARRL represents its strength; and WHEREAS, the membership of the ARRL consists of radio amateurs dedicated to promoting the best interest of the Amateur Radio Service; and WHEREAS, the ARRL Board of Directors is also intent upon acting in the best interest of the Amateur Radio Service and its ARRL members; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRL Board of Directors enthusiastically acknowledges and thanks the ARRL members for their continued dedication and support. 34. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Milnes, the following resolution was proposed: WHEREAS, the ARRL Web site is the official web site of the ARRL; and WHEREAS, the ARRL Web site is a valuable resource and benefit to the ARRL membership; BE IT RESOLVED that the ARRL HQ staff management shall order the update of the operation of the ARRL Web site so that all current and timely information currently on the Web site shall be accessible to direct links on the website home page or Members Only page. After voting the motion FAILED. 35. On motion of Mr. Vallio, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL 2004 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award, be awarded to Randall D. Larson, of San Jose, California, to recognize his contribution to Amateur Radio and his article on ham radio assistance in emergencies which appeared in the July, 2004, issue of Homeland Protection Professional (Applause.) 36. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was VOTED that the Programs and Services Committee consider establishing a Triple Play Award Operating Award. The purpose of the award is to encourage operating activity and the acquisition and development of operating skills using a variety of modes. The object of the award is to contact each of the 50 United States in each of three modes, Digital, Morse, and Phone ("triple play"). 37. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was VOTED that the ARRL funding criteria for Landmark Antenna Zoning appeals be amended to read as follows: The ARRL Board adopted procedures for limited antenna case funding. These must include the following factors: (1) Antenna case funding should be limited to appellate decisions only, since those provide precedent that is citable authority for other amateurs to use. A trial court decision is not precedent for any other case. (2) Case funding should be limited to not more than $10,000 per appeal, so as to maximize the number of cases that can be funded with the limited funds available. Funding is limited to the amount of the Legal Research and Resource Fund, and any donations subsequently received for such Fund. (3) The appeal must have substantial merit on the facts of the case. (4) It must present a significant issue of law. (5) There must be a reasonable likelihood of success on appeal. (6) There must be some financial participation at the appellate level of the amateur and the local amateur community. (7) The funding of appeals will be limited to: a. Appeals in Federal Courts of Appeal. Federal courts have a far wider scope and the precedential value of Federal appellate decisions is more substantial. b. In those instances where a Federal District Court decision is reported and the decision has precedential value the committee may recommend partial reimbursement of costs incurred. c. State appellate decisions are limited in precedential value. Except in extraordinary circumstances where a decision has a clearly demonstrable benefit to a significant number of Amateurs, funding will not be available for state court appeals. Finally, all decisions on funding made by the Antenna Assistance Committee, formed in July 2000, must be unanimous. The Committee consists of two ARRL directors, one Vice Director, an experienced attorney not a member of the ARRL Board, and the League Counsel. 38. On motion of Mr. Roderick, seconded by Mr. Milnes, the following resolution was ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has received and considered a draft petition for rulemaking proposing a flexible means of band segmentation principally by maximum bandwidth, rather than by emission type; and WHEREAS, following Board review and substantial membership input on this petition, and detailed analysis of this membership input, the Executive Committee made certain recommendations for modification of the draft petition; and WHEREAS, certain aspects of the petition nevertheless warrant further review, clarification and justification before the petition can be finalized; NOW, THEREFORE: 1. The draft petition shall be amended in the following respects: a. In the segment 10.135 to 10.150 MHz, non-telephony emissions not to exceed 3 kHz bandwidth can be transmitted. b. Test transmissions authorized on most frequencies above 51 MHz shall not be permitted to be continuous. c. Section 97.309 shall be clarified to specify that amateur stations may use any published digital code as long as other rules are observed. 2. The Executive Committee shall, not later than June 30, 2005, further consider and evaluate the ramifications of retaining, deleting or amending section 97.221(b) and/or 97.221(c) regarding automatic control of digital emissions. This evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, the effect of these rules, and the effect of proposed changes in these rules, on APRS and other current and planned digital communications in the HF bands. 3. The amended petition, and the Executive Committees further report pursuant to #2 above, will be presented to the Board for its further consideration at the next Board meeting in July, 2005. 39. President Haynie named the members of a new committee, the Ad Hoc Committee on Scouting: Directors Fuller (Chair), and Morton, and Vice Directors Mileshosky, Edgar, and Fenstermaker. The committee is to study the interface between ARRL and scouting organizations and make recommendations for improvement, and survey ARRL and scouting literature for effectiveness and adequacy. 40. On motion of Mr. Norton, seconded by the entire assembly, it was unanimously VOTED to thank staff, especially Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ, for their hard work to ensure the success of this meeting (Applause.) 41. There being no further business, those present were invited to make informal closing comments. On motion of Mr. Morton, seconded by Mr. Walstrom, it was VOTED that the meeting be adjourned at 12:16 PM. (Time in session as a Board: 8 hours, 13 minutes. Time in session as a Committee of the Whole: 54 minutes.) Respectfully submitted, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary 2005 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors Page PAGE 6 #N_¥§>ŽàÌ#Î#²%Ž%D(O:Q:<J(M*M«Z¬Z dd/hIh³hÈh:iMiŽi)rIrrÚrërt¶·œŸ¿ÀÆýûùõùýýóóýïýóùùëýëýëýùæßæØÕØÍØ0JmHnHu0J j0JU6B*ph B*ph6CJCJH*H*6H*65CJ,#;OP_lŸÐ#0o±áÿºãýòòæÞÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÊÖÖÖÖÐ1$7$8$H$`Ð1$7$8$H$1$7$8$H$ ÆàÀ!1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$~ÃÅþþþ*QuÃì 7 m É ë ì ¡¢=>³Žàá\÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õéééãééØ &F1$7$8$H$Ð`ÐÐ1$7$8$H$`Ð1$7$8$H$GlNO£¥x y ù!ú!r#s#û%ü%D(E(**Ž+µ+·-ž-ôôôìêÞÜìììÒìÜÜÜÜìÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ Ð^`ÐÐ1$7$8$H$^Ð1$7$8$H$ &F1$7$8$H$ž-%/&/Ì0Í0ì1í1_3`3Ê356'7Ú7÷8ø8ô9:Ê:|;};6=7=ù>ú>e?ü?Ä@ÄAýýýý÷ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýÐ`ÐÄAB/C0CòDóDQEqFÐFÛG[HH;IÐI;J<J3K4KŒLœLNM¹MïN§O Q;RSýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýõõéýõçåååååÐ1$7$8$H$`Ð1$7$8$H$SSêSLT³UŽUçUWV WÚWÜX«Z¬ZòZ/\É\q]ñ]À_Á_`N`ü`ja\b]bbJcddýûýýýûýýýýýýûýýýýýýûýýýýýûýýýdeífîfÁgÂg/hŽiµiçkèkQllölmn©nªnoMo£o«pËpÌpVrWrtýõõõõéçõááááááááááááááááááÐ`ÐÐ1$7$8$H$`Ð1$7$8$H$tt^tŒtœt+uv&wkwwÛwQxxyØyÐzÕ{Ö{4|}ê}~~Ò~D±ùù÷÷ññññññññëëëñÛ÷÷÷÷÷÷ññþÐþ€x]þ^Ð`þ ^ Ð^ÐÐ`б?ù»Œ:; EF^_`at~ÁÂÃÄÅÆù÷÷÷÷÷ñ÷ñ÷ééééééç÷÷÷÷é1$7$8$H$Ð`ÐÐ^Ð* 00&PP°Ð/ °à=!°"°# $ %° i8@ñÿ8NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH JJ Heading 1$h1$7$8$@&H$^h 5>*\4@4 Heading 2$@&6aJ44 Heading 4$@&5@ýÿ<A@òÿ¡<Default Paragraph FontPC@òPBody Text IndentÐ1$7$8$H$`ÐB*CJ6B@6 Body Text1$H$7$8$CJ:>@:Title$1$7$8$H$a$ 5CJ\,@",Header ÆàÀ!, 2,Footer ÆàÀ!&)@¢A&Page NumberLR@RLBody Text Indent 2Ð1$7$8$H$`Ð2P@b2Body Text 26aJ(U@¢q( Hyperlink>*B*HSHBody Text Indent 3 h*$`h@ýÿDT@D Block TextÐÐ1$7$8$H$]Ð^Ð>V@¢¡>FollowedHyperlink>*B*ph6Q²6Body Text 3þ€x]þÆÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÆ ÿÿÿÿ#;OP_lŸÐ#0o±áÿºã*QuÃì7mÉëì¡¢=
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participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ