[arrl-odv:19244] IN-News

<<072810.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 33, No. 30 July 28, 2010 -- Covers the period July 18-24. Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND Between the Board meeting and attending the NCVEC conference, the past two weeks have been hectic. Work continued with General Counsel on several projects. There has been a resolution to the Midwest City, OK RFI citation received by David Box, K5DBX. The prosecutor has indicated he has not received the complaint from the city and after looking at the situation will not be pursuing legal action. While this resolves Mr. Box's immediate situation, it still leaves the ordinance on the books. Local amateurs will be working with the city to try to address this issue, with the ARRL providing support as requested. We are also working on an antenna ordinance situation involving Cleveland County, NC. After discovering that the local ordinance (intended for cell towers) did not allow an amateur tower in residential areas, a local amateur petitioned the county for a new amateur ordinance. Upon reviewing the ordinance, speaking with the County planning and zoning officials, and discussing the ordinance with General Counsel, the proposed ordinance (drafted by the amateur) appears to be overly restrictive and in conflict with portions of PRB-1 and the local NC state PRB-1 law. We are in contact with NC Section Manager Bill Morine, N2COP, and the small group of amateurs in the county that are now working on a revision to the proposal. The initial court date for Steve Bozac, WB2IQU, did not go well. Bozac was cited under the new NY state cellphone bill for using his amateur mobile radio while driving. We will continue to work with General Counsel and Bozac as they appeal to the next level of court in NY. The changes of command are complete at both the Cape Cod and Beale PAVE PAWS sites, and we are working with the new commanding officers to keep the positive momentum going on this project. Lt. Col. Shawn Smith is the new CO at Cape Cod. We are working with his office on a mission briefing for amateurs to be presented at the New England Division Convention at Boxboro on August 28. In preparation for this, we will be visiting the Cape Cod site to meet with Lt. Col. Smith sometime before the event. Also, Lt. Col. Scott Schroff is the new CO at the Beale site. We have worked with Lt. Col. Schroff, who was previously the second in command at Cape Cod. In October, Lt. Col. Schroff, Laura Smith from the FCC, and I will be doing a joint presentation on the status of the PAVE PAWS situation at PACIFICON. During the time in Gettysburg, we met briefly with both Bill Cross and Laura Smith from the FCC. Bill indicated he is currently working on the R&O for the call-sign docket and then will be working on the R&O for the spread spectrum docket. He anticipates their release near the end of the year. Laura indicated she was returning to work from maternity leave on Monday, July 26. Field Day submissions are proceeding well, with over 2000 already processed through the www.b4h.net <http://www.b4h.net/> website. MVP staff (especially Kathy Allison, KA1RWY) have already begun data entry for submissions sent via regular mail and sorting through non-applet web submissions. Daily updates of Logs Received are prepared then sent to the Contest Branch for posting. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Revenues to date from the first Spectrum Defense Matters newsletter mailing have brought the year's total to $76,681 or 24% of the 2010 target. The first edition of the newsletter is now on the web. An email with a link to it was sent out the week of July 26. The production of the Education & Technology Fund mailing is progressing toward a mail date of late August. Revenues for the Teachers Institute now total $90,040. Proceeds for the Diamond Club now total $147,018 from 976 donors. This is 56% of the 2010 target for that Development program. Additional bricks were installed in the Diamond Terrace the week of July 12. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for July 22, 2010. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R An invitation was emailed to a sample of ARRL members across license classes, seeking their participation in an online survey about ARRL membership benefits and digital publications. The same survey will be snail-mailed to a sample of members for whom we do not have recorded email addresses. Some end-of-month broadcast e-mail is being prepared to solicit members-mostly from among lapsed members. Many of the ARRL Tour Guide volunteers will attend a special training session on Friday, August 6, familiarizing them with the Education & Technology Program. A mid-month email solicitation offering a free Repeater Directory with purchases of $20 or more has generated more than $14,250 going into the last week of the month. A special upgrade mailing for TravelPlus for Repeaters has returned $4,600 in sales. Testing is being completed to ensure that ARRL-registered instructors and Diamond Club members can take advantage of group discounts via the new e-store. Instructors receive as much as a 25% discount on many popular ARRL instructional materials including the ARRL License Manual series. Diamond Club members at the Brass-level and higher receive a 10% publications discount. Organization and formatting improvements continue to be made to the e-store. A new product category, "History & Adventure," has been added. A home page Radiosport announcement was produced for the upcoming Rookie Roundup. This 6-hour SSB contest is August 15. Designs are being finalized for commemorative merchandise being produced for the ARES 75th Anniversary: T-shirts, mug, and challenge coin. During the last week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 942 packages for publication and product orders, 339 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW Joe Carcia updated the code practice source list on the web. He uploaded logs to LoTW for IARU station W1AW/8 and for the previous week's regular visitor contacts. He also processed regular QSL card requests. He hosted teachers (during the lunch hours) who were in attendance for the "Teachers Institute". He got them on the air, fielded some questions on the station and also offered assistance in the NOAA-x weather satellite receiver demonstration. Scott Gee worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of July. He also assisted the DXCC department with the editing of applications. Field Organization/Public Service Team A report of a Part 15 type operation on 900 MHz that is causing interference to a repeater and a radio amateur announcing a bogus "May Day" call on a 2-meter repeater were forwarded to the FCC. South Carolina Official Observers were asked to check out a report of obnoxious behavior on a 40 meter CW frequency. Arkansas OOs are checking on what appears to be VOX operation on 75 meters that has been keying a transmitter over recent weekends. We received updated information regarding repeater interference in Indiana. A report of interference on an Ohio repeater frequency was found to likely be caused by a low power D-Star repeater. National Public Radio recently aired a short segment dealing with "Numbers Stations" and was forwarded to our volunteer monitors. The 2010 Section Managers' Workshop for new Section Managers has been scheduled for September 24 -26 (Friday to Sunday) here at ARRL Headquarters. Participants and Headquarters staff presenters are starting to make arrangements and setting their schedules. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 9/6 Holiday Leona Adams 7/23-7/24 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 9/13-9/17 Vacation Joe Carcia 7/23 Vacation `` 7/30 Vacation `` 8/6-8/13 Vacation `` 8/20 Vacation `` 8/27 Vacation Michael Cory 7/30-8/6 APCO Conference, Houston, TX `` 8/20-8/22 Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL Steve Ford 7/27 Vacation `` 8/2-8/6 Vacation Norm Fusaro 7/30-8/6 Vacation Scott Gee 8/2-8/4 Vacation `` 8/30-8/31 Vacation Mike Gruber 8/23-8/27 Vacation Dan Henderson 8/23-8/27 Vacation `` 9/24-10/3 Ten-Tec Hamfest,(TN)/W4DXCC/SEDCO/Vacation `` 10/14-10/19 Pacificon Mary Hobart 7/23 Vacation `` 8/11-8/13 Vacation Amy Hurtado 7/14-7/26 Vacation Gail Iannone 8/20-9/7 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 8/4-8/5 Training `` 8/6-8/9 Vacation `` 8/23-8/27 Vacation Joel Kleinman 8/5 Vacation `` 8/23 Vacation Harold Kramer 8/2-8/6 Vacation Sean Kutzko 8/16-8/25 Tokyo Ham Fair Greg Kwasowski 7/21-8/5 Vacation Zack Lau 7/12-7/23 Vacation Rose-Anne Lawrence 7/20-7/22 Jury Duty Monique Levesque 7/19-7/23 Vacation Dave Patton 8/6-8/7 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX Diane Petrilli 8/4-8/5 Training `` 8/23-8/27 Vacation Allen Pitts 7/26-7/28 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 8/30 Vacation Barry Shelley 8/9-8/20 Vacation `` 8/26-8/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 7/26 Washington Perry Williams 7/22-8/11 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ