[arrl-odv:20163] IN-News

<<081711.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 33 August 17, 2011 -- Covers the period August7-13. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: October 1 @ 8:30am - Dulles, VA United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) October 3-7 - ARRL HQ Section Managers' Workshop October 21-23 - ARRL HQ Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 18 - ARRL HQ Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP PR-101 now has 99 graduates and is gaining about 2 a week. Its updated materials and topics, now freely available on the ARRL website, allows us to retire the outdated "PIO Handbook". Polishing and copyright permissions for the four 30 sec PSAs continues. Unfortunately due to the schedules of the people and volunteers involved, plans formed for the rollout of the main DIY video have had to be delayed. We are now looking at October-November for the release. With only 3 weeks advance notice, FEMA released the sign-up info for National Preparedness Month on August 11 for their September event. This was immediately flashed onto the PR email reflector. In past years the Amateur Radio ARES groups have dominated their listings and activities, but that was with better advance notice. We will see what happens this year. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The Second Century Campaign Committee met at HQ last week for a very busy and productive meeting. After reviewing campaign policies and documents, the committee began discussions about how to reach an ambitious goal to launch ARRL's second century. Meanwhile, the annual campaigns continue. The Diamond Club has reached 67% of its 2011 goal , the Defense Fund stands at 46% of its goal and the Education & Technology Fund is at 46% of its goal. The meeting with Robert Clark to discuss plans for a National Science Foundation proposal has been rescheduled for August 26. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The September/October issue of NCJ has been released to the printer. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for August 11, 2011. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R During the past 2 weeks, the warehouse crew fulfilled 1,487 packages for publication and product orders, 860 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. A new database tool has been introduced to assist our team serving members and customers by phone. Amy Hurtado populated an Access database with the content from the ARRL Yellow Pages, an internal directory of staff, extensions and services. The database version is quickly searchable and sort-able. This database will soon be expanded to include the staff phone list, web links and email addresses. Thanks goes to Deb Jahnke for her help with designing the database and related queries and forms. Following models used by other businesses and organizations, we will begin mailing a "Birthday Postcard" to domestic members who have shared their birth date with ARRL (some of this information is legacy data from FCC records; members also share their birth date through some membership forms and online membership profiles). The postcard mailing will be tested for 4 months, and includes an offer for a $10 publication discount (redeemable online, and valid for the entire month). There are also plans to introduce an email reminder for redeeming the discount. The birthday discount will be touted as a membership benefit, and is intended to introduce more members to the online store. A summary of outstanding web issues has been prepared, covering the e-store, online membership applications, online profiles and other issues involving circulation administration. The document also includes (longer-term) suggestions for enhancing some of these functions. Survey responses supporting the digital QST project were closed on August 9. Readex is finalizing results (data-entry and -analysis). Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team Section Manager election ballots from Georgia and Western Washington Sections need to arrive at ARRL Headquarters by Friday, August 19. Field Organization Team members Leona Adams and Steve Ewald are planning to lead the effort in counting ballots and reporting results on Tuesday, August 23. One radio amateur from Sacramento Valley successfully completed the requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent out the monthly OO summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Complaints were received regarding operations on 14313 kHz and 7213 kHz, and a report regarding an unusual CW beacon on 7040 kHz was relayed to regional Official Observers to check. Western Pennsylvania OOs were alerted to a report of interference on a local repeater, and a report of Over the Horizon Radar on 10140 kHz was received from Region 1. Input was provided for the ARRL Web's news page news article regarding the 12 meter CODAR investigation in California and the resulting resolution. Chuck also conducted the 9 AM code practice run for several days this past week at W1AW. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 9/5 Holiday Kathy Allison 9/2-9/9 Vacation Margie Bourgoin 8/18-8/23 Vacation Hugh Brower 8/15-8/19 Vacation Joe Carcia 8/19 Vacation `` 8/26 Vacation Steve Ford 8/18-8/25 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV/Vacation Scott Gee 9/7-9/9 Vacation `` 9/26-9/30 Vacation Mike Gruber 8/20-8/27 Vacation `` 9/26-9/30 Vacation Ed Hare 8/14-8/18 IEEE EMC Symposium/Meeting, Long Beach, CA `` 8/19-8/26 IEEE Regional Meeting/Vacation, San Francisco, CA Dan Henderson 8/29-9/2 Vacation `` 9/15-9/26 Ten Tec Hamfest, Sevierville, TN/SEDCO/Vacation Gail Iannone 8/26-9/7 Vacation Joel Kleinman 8/25 Vacation Harold Kramer 8/19-8/22 Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL Zack Lau 11/5-11/6 Iowa Section Convention, Davenport, IA Bill Moore 8/20-8/21 Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL Dave Patton 8/25-8/28 JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan Diane Petrilli 8/19-8/22 Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL `` 8/26-9/2 Vacation Becky Schoenfeld 8/15-8/20 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 8/15-8/19 Vacation `` 8/21-8/22 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS/Vacation `` 8/23 Vacation `` 8/28 W. Pennsylvania Section Convention, New Kensington, PA Dave Sumner 8/11pm-8/22 IARU Reg.1 Conference/AC Meeting, South Africa
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ