In-Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 7 February 19, 2002 Upcoming Meetings March 2nd in Arlington, VA at 8:30am Executive Committee Development Even as we await a March decision on our proposal to United Technologies (UTC) for the expansion of our ARECC training, UTC has asked for a presentation to their full Public Policy Committee on our plans. No word yet on a date for their decision. The Donor Recognition Reception at Dayton honoring Joe Taylor, K1JT, is tentatively planned for the Officers Club at Wirght-Patterson Air Force Base on Friday evening, May 17. Invitees to the reception will include ARRL Board Members, Education and Defense Fund donors ($500 or more), development prospects and key staff. The donor file research project with Target Analysis Group (TAG)of Cambridge Massachusetts is moving forward. ARRL's active and lapsed member/donor files will be researched against TAG's national non-profit database to identify members & donors who are currently giving to other non-profit organizations. The identified members/donors will be tested against in the April-May Education Project campaign direct mail. Resumes are still being received for the Development Associate position. First interviews should be complete by the Feb 26. Media Relations Jennifer worked with a writer from the Columbia News Service who was writing a story about how ham radio emergency services in New York (including interest in future participation) may have been affected in the wake of September 11th. After a brief interview, the writer was given several good contacts in the New York area, including the District Emergency Coordinator who oversaw much of the ham radio activity. The Columbia News Service is affiliated with the Columbia School of Journalism and stories are prepared for the Web and also for the New York Times news wire. Jennifer completed the February issue of QSO/Media for the Web. It will be posted shortly. This bimonthly newsletter geared towards assisting our PR volunteers was previously a printed publication. The newsletter will now appear every other month on the PR Department site. There is a possibility that it will be distributed automatically via e-mail sometime later this year. Work continues on the 2001 Annual Report. Advertising The Advertising Department hosted a reception for the industry on Friday evening at the Orlando Hamcation. Approximately 100 current and potential advertisers enjoyed drinks and a buffet dinner. It was designed as a low key, informal event -- in part, to thank and encourage advertisers, and in part to let people socialize away from the harried atmosphere of the show. Both Dave Sumner and John Bee gave brief remarks, simply thanking the attendees for coming. The event got rave reviews from all, and many who missed it expressed regret on the following day. While in Florida, John Bee spent the week between the Miami and Orlando shows visiting with current and prospective advertisers, including Star-Tek, Mike's Electronics, Eli's Electronics, Gap Antennas, AES Orlando and Tower Electronics. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 450 5 Band WAS Plaques 9 A-1 Operator Nominations 35 Long Term Member Inquiries 2 VUCC Endorsements 4 Grid Squares Data Entered 515 VUCC QSL Cards Checked 209 VUCC Endorsements Mailed 36 Also compiled and submitted the latest VUCC standings list for April QST. For the coming week-Basic WAS awards for January, WAS and WAC QSL card checking, mail out 25 VUCC initial awards, RCC, OTC, and Friendship awards. DXCC Branch Week Ending February 17, 2002 Beginning Cards 73,776 Cards Received 3,062 Cards Processed 17,010** Ending Cards 59,828 Applications Pending 392 Backlog Time 3 weeks Year-to-date Cards Received 48,729 Cards Returned 6,264 QRP Issued this week 0 QRP YTD 111 ** Outgoing Mail - We are mailing the remaining applications received in late-January, 2002. There are approximately 100 applications in the mailroom currently being out processed containing about 10,000 cards. This should close out week with 27,010 cards processed. Card Processing: We are entering cards received on February 8, 2002. 2,977 Millennium awards have been issued to date. Contest Branch The electronic log checking results for 2001 SS CW were received and imported into the master database. They were merged with the paper logs and the preliminary boxes, line scores, and soapbox files were forwarded to K5ZD for his use in writing the article. The 2001 SS cups and pins databases were finalized. We began shipping CW and Phone Pins. The Shipping Department received the cups database and will be starting to ship mugs. The Field Day 2002 packet was finalized, converted to PDF format and sent for posting to the web site. Blank certificates for VHF/UHF contest awards were ordered. The ARRL Contest On-Line Soapbox at www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox was prepared by the Webmaster and testing took place. It was announced Friday and went live on-line at the end of the DXCW contest this weekend. QSL Branch QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 02/17/2002 - 273,925. No cards were mailed this week. Janet Rocco spent 5 hours conducting tours around HQ. W1AW Thanks to Ted Ferreira, WA1NXC, Jerry, KH6HU and John, N1KB, for their participation in the 2002 15th Annual School Club Roundup. Although quite a number of QSOs were made over the week, only 7 schools and 10 clubs were worked. Even though the operators were calling CQ specifically for the event, a number of amateurs responded to the call simply to work W1AW. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice runs for the latter part of the month of February. He handled evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot. Joe updated the web code practice files. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2002): $1,461. Field & Educational Services Counsel Imlay's office reports that we have received the registration certificate for our Amateur Radio Emergency ServiceĀ® trademark. Although we have been using this trademark since the 1970s, recent concerns prompted us to seek formal registration from the US Patent and Trademark Office. Steve Ewald prepared April QST Section News columns. A large number mentioned the Board's postponement of a decision on Section News in QST, and asked members to share opinions with Directors and SMs. Steve and Rick Lindquist gathered news on Amateur Radio response to fires in the San Diego Section. Utah and Nevada Section Leaders responded to Steve's solicitation of news on how ham radio is assisting with communications during the Winter Olympics. Leona Adams made preparations with help from Mary, Gail, Brennan and Rosalie for the counting of ballots February 19 for the Virginia and Hawaii SM elections. Leona and Steve composed a report for ECs on asking SMs for access to make Assistant EC certificates using the Web Certificate Maker. This replaces the AEC certificate that went in the EC initial supply package. Brennan Price spent nearly all week on the Repeater Directory, including consulting with the Book Team and Publication Sales about a cover, preparing data to be submitted, and developing plans and contingency plans for the former TSARC and surrounding areas as developments warrant. Riley Hollingsworth wrote to rave about OO Mike Obermeier, K6SNE's, cassette labels in a recent tape submission. Riley asked that the OOs adopt the label design as a standard for submissions. Brennan operated the University of Connecticut School of Law's KB1GTB from W1INF in a limited School Club Roundup effort. Rosalie assisted FEMA Region X (Northwestern US), and Steve assisted Region VII (Midwest), in updating contact information for ARRL Section Leaders. Rosalie prepared for the annual meeting of the National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters. She also did prep for the April ARISS international meeting, and she and John supplied details on ARISS telebridge legalities for a volunteer. This week's successful ARISS QSO was done by Vestal (NY) HS. John Hennessee saw increased calls from amateurs facing zoning problems; these were in Fairport, NY (KC2JAL); Effingham, NH (KA1STT); West Leechburg, PA (W3QK); Stormville, NY (WA2ANV); West Bend, IN; Denver, CO (NC0B); and Clinton Township, NJ (KC2IOQ). Amateurs reported covenant problems in Belmont, NC (K5LDO) and Chesterfield, IN (NC8N). John reviewed the upcoming QST ad for Marsh (ARRL insurance administrator), and he's reviewing the regulations information in the ARRL Handbook. He spoke with members about pending bills in Tennessee and West Virginia to codify PRB-1. Wyoming HB 10 is also pending -- it could regulate handheld cell phones and devices defined as "CB radios and other devices." Dan Miller reports that the Antenna Modeling Course registration closed after 30 hours with 116 students enrolled! LB Cebik says the announcement apparently stirred up latent interest in modeling, with the Nittany Scientific (antenna modeling software vendor) Web site getting over 1,000 hits shortly after the announcement. LB said, "Some folks who have put off getting modeling software for fear that they could not master it on their own may take up the challenge now that guided help is available." Dan also reports that total enrollment in Level I emergency communications on-line classes that opened last week was 203 -- interest is high! He received results from three in-person Level I classes and two in-person Level II classes. Steven Blair has begun working on a coursebook for the Antenna Modeling course. He also processed C-CE classroom and exam sessions received this week. The Field & Educational Support Team pitched in to cover for Margie who was out unexpectedly for the week. Gail completed "Hamfest Calendar" and "Coming Conventions" for the April issue of QST. Linda updated 57 affiliated club records as well as registered 15 ARRL volunteer instructors and 1 schoolteacher. She also compiled the Public Service Honor Roll, Brass Pounder's League, SEC, and STM statistics for QST. Jean sent out nomination acknowledgment letters for ARRL Professional Educator of the Year Awards. Mary Lau gave a brief telephone interview to an editor of Business Week magazine, who is doing a feature story on scholarship programs. Jerry Hill handled paperwork so that checks could be cut for schools that were recently approved by the Executive Committee for Progress Grants. He received a new application from Wasilla (AK) High School, that hopes to become a Pilot School. Jerry worked on materials that will be included in the Radio Lab Handbook, such as sample layouts of classrooms with ham stations, an FAQ, FCC rules for RFI exposure, and so on. He has received feedback from curriculum reviewers on his sample lesson plans. VEC VEC Exam Activity Summary Year Applications filed Novice Tech Tech+ General Advanced Extra New 2000 12872 160 11828 350 419 8 107 Upgrades 2000 35822 0 195 1664 19800 613 13550 New 2001 14179 0 13522 0 500 0 122 Upgrades 2001 9529 0 187 0 5929 0 3413 Club applications filed by ARRL VEC in 2001 totaled 958. 440 were new clubs. Renewals, address changes, call changes, name changes or other modifications filed by ARRL VEC in 2001 totaled 3,876 applications. January 2002 saw 420 test sessions held, with 2,870 elements administered, 2,387 persons served, and 1,064 new licenses and 655 upgrades earned. Club applications filed in January 2002 totaled 98. 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW:lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason Rosalie White 2/19-2/22 In and out of the office for vacation Steve Ewald 2/26(PM)-3/5 Vacation Mary Hobart 4/6-4/7 MD State Convention, Timonium
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ