[arrl-odv:12019] FW: The IARU Region 3 Newsletter: Issue 1/2005, March 2005

Tom Frenaye made the good suggestion that I share this newsletter with you. Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: IARU Region 3 [mailto:iaru-r3@jarl.or.jp] Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:56 PM To: All IARU Region 3 Member Societies Subject: The IARU Region 3 Newsletter: Issue 1/2005, March 2005 The IARU Region 3 Newsletter Issue 1/2005, March 2005 The earthquake and tidal wave disaster on 26 December 2004 was an unprecedented catastrophe. More than 300,000 people are believed to have lost their lives in the Indian Ocean area, and the exact figure may never be known. It took place right in our Region. This issue of the Newsletter is dedicated to reporting the valiant disaster relief efforts by amateurs and Societies affected. The experience highlights the need to review steps that can be taken to ensure better preparedness and better warning should similar disaster strike in the future. At WRC-03, it was resolved that (25.9A) "Administrations are encouraged to take the necessary steps to allow amateur stations to prepare for and meet communication needs in support of disaster relief". Societies should now pursue with their administrations ways to identify the most appropriate methods of providing meaningful preparation by radio amateurs in their country. K C Selvadurai 9V1UV Director IARU Region 3
Thailand - RAST <<< The tsunami waves overwhelmed the communities in their path and in many cases the victims outnumbered the survivors. This meant that many hours passed before the true magnitude of the event became known elsewhere. But, once the scale of the disaster in southern Thailand became apparent, Thai radio hams in the affected areas and elsewhere rallied to help with communications. Activities began on the day of the catastrophe itself, Sunday 26 December 2004.
Thai hams in Phuket and Phang-nga, where the devastation was greatest, helped liaise between government agencies, hospitals and the devastated communities along the Andaman Sea coastline. They also provided information to radio amateurs overseas enquiring on behalf of others. For international communications, Thai radio amateurs mostly used Echolink, the Voice over IP (VoIP) network exclusively for hams. It also provides for text messages to be exchanged. In all, the Echolink RF gateway in Bangkok handled over 3,800 connections from 57 countries over a six-day period after the tsunami struck. Echolink was also used to relay traffic from 2-metre repeaters in Phuket to Bangkok and other provinces. For a time Echolink traffic was simulcast on 7.063 MHz. The RAST club station HS0AC handled traffic on 14.155 MHz At one point a Thai amateur who is a qualified pilot offered air surveillance support from a light airplane. He helped the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and a Thai TV Channel with aerial surveillance of Phuket Island and other affected provinces. Another amateur made a diving survey and reported back from the Similan group of islands. HF (7 MHz) and VHF (2-metres) links were used.
India - ARSI <<< The first tremors of the Sumatra earthquake were felt in Chennai around 0630 hrs (local time) on 26 December. When it first occurred, there was doubt that there would be anything more to fear. But by 0900 hrs the tsunami had hit the shores and reports of damage started trickling in.
The VU4 DXpedition to the Andaman Islands was located in Port Blair at that time and they also felt the tremors. Shortly after that their station blacked out, to return later on the air on battery power. From then on the team provided the only means of communications with the mainland. Stations were later set up on Car Nicobar and other smaller islands where there were no other communications. Amateurs in Gujarat, with the assistance of the local Government, also went over to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. When the team from Gujarat reached there they found that the Naval Airbase station was experiencing a breakdown of the HF communication facilities needed for traffic control. The amateur team ably assisted the Navy until routine communication links were restored. The local community benefited with help to locate missing family members. Meanwhile groups of hams established stations at Velanganni, Nagapattinam, Cuddalore and other places for health and welfare traffic. They were valuable as landlines and cell phones became jammed with the volume of traffic. Most communications were on HF, both 7 MHz and 14 MHz, due to the distances involved. VHF was also used locally. The need lasted for 10 days by which time the authorities had set up their own systems and ham operations wound down.
Sri Lanka - RSSL <<< The tsunami disaster resulted in big loss of life and damage to the telecommunication infrastructure, cutting off contact to many affected areas. The RSSL stepped in to provide emergency communications needs in the immediate aftermath.
Amateurs left Colombo on Monday 27th, the day after the tsunami struck. They went late at night in two 4-wheel drive vehicles to the southern town of Hambantota. The journey was long and tedious because the normal shorter route along the coast was damaged by the tidal waves. A station was set up by early morning Tuesday at the government administration office. Until that time there had been no contact with the outside world except for a Satellite phone sent few hours earlier. It only worked outdoors with no opportunity of recharging the batteries. When all the cellular and other systems failed Short Wave radio held firm. Meanwhile a HF station was set up in Colombo at the Prime Minster's office building. Emergency traffic flowed and RSSL was very pleased that it served the nation in an hour of need. The Hambantota station worked on 7.060 MHz with a wire dipole antenna, transmitting with less than 5 Watts to conserve battery power. Electricity was not available. The traffic passed included efforts to connect lost people, information on displaced people and the movement of food and essentials. An amateur who is a medical doctor meanwhile set up a station at a school in Matara, another town that had suffered devastation. He operated under difficult conditions. There was also a mission sent with a Police escort, initiated by the PM's Secretary. They went to hospitals and camps of displaced people. They took notes and photographs of damaged vehicles to help trace lost people. After the immediate need for communications had passed the RSSL operated 3 stations for the Social Welfare Ministry to help in relief operations, to carry traffic, as there was congestion on their normal communications network.
Indonesia - ORARI <<< The tsunami disaster had a devastating effect on the lives of many members of ORARI living in the Aceh area. Out of a total of 1543 members, it was reported that 1231 or 80% were affected. Some 511 lost their lives, 215 are missing and 505 are in refugee camps.
Members of the Aceh ORARI Branch had previously been banned by the military from operating their equipment for security reasons. So when the disaster crippled all systems of communication between Aceh and the outside areas, ORARI sent members from other districts outside Aceh to provide much needed emergency communication to and from affected areas. Nearly 450 ORARI members, including some from as far away as Sulawesi and Kalimantan were mobilized. In addition, there was help from amateurs from Malaysia, America, PR China, Japan, Australia and Britain. Fixed stations were set up at Disaster Relief Camps, Hospitals, Medical Relief Camps, Airports, Harbours, and Logistics Depots. Mobile stations were located with Ambulances, Rescue Operations and Mobile Repair Services for electric power, telephones, roads and bridges. The traffic included search and rescue operations, disaster relief operations and information, and support for repair service teams. VHF traffic used the local repeaters and HF traffic was on 3.815, 7.050, 7.055, 7.065, 14.250 and 21.300 MHz. The amateurs also helped repair communications equipment for the Local Government and the Military as well as installing their communication equipment. Amateurs helped in searching for and evacuating disaster victims, searching for and transporting corpses amongst many other activities.
PETER NAISH VK2BPN now Silent Key <<< Peter Naish, Chairman of Region 3, became a SK on 9 January 2005 after suffering a heart attack. Secretary Keigo Komuro JA1KAB represented JARL and Region3 at the well-attended funeral in Sydney. Peter was a tireless worker for Amateur radio over many years.
The vacant position of Director of Region 3 was consequently filled by Peter Lake ZL2AZ and YS Park HL1IFM has been elected Chairman.
APG2007-2 <<< The APG 2007-2 preparatory meeting for WRC-07 of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity was held in Bangkok Thailand from 28 February to 3 March 2005. Park HL1IFM and David Wardlaw VK3ADW represented R3. They presented two papers, one on disaster relief communications and the other on 7 MHz issues. A detailed report is being sent to Societies.
Region 3 Net <<< As detailed in the December 2004 Newsletter, the Region 3 Net is conducted every Friday at 1100 Hours UTC on 14.300 MHz. All Liaison Officers should give publicity to the R3 Net.
The Region 3 Web site Go to: http://www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ Newsletter Editor: K C Selvadurai 9V1UV, Director IARU Region 3, kcselva@starhub.net.sg Publisher: The International Amateur Radio Union Region 3, P.O. Box 73, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8691, Japan. iaru-r3@jarl.or.jp Tel: +81 3 3944 3322 Fax: +81 3943 8282 The statements or opinions in this Newsletter do not, unless otherwise stated, necessarily reflect the views of IARU Region 3, the Directors or the Secretariat. Items from this Newsletter may be freely copied for publication by member societies of IARU. MS Word version of this newsletter is available at http://www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/news/r3nl-05-03.doc
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ