[arrl-odv:18364] IN-News

<<122309.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 32, No. 51 December 23, 2009 -- Covers the period December 13-19. Upcoming Meetings and Events Annual Board Meeting: January 15-16, 2010 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Administration &Finance Committee: January 14, 2010 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Programs & Services Committee: January 14, 2010 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Technical Relations Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX Both Brennan Price and Jon Siverling were active last week in meetings of the Informal Working Groups of the FCC's WRC-12 Advisory Committee. Jon effectively presented ARRL's view that a proposal by NTIA to utilize the 495-505 kHz segment for future high speed digital data uses was inconsistent with a prior WAC action supporting a secondary amateur allocation in this segment. After the December 17 meetings, it was suggested by NTIA that there was room for compromise, and that discussions could commence in the new year. Brennan Price was elected to the Board of Directors of the United States ITU Association, maintaining ARRL representation on the Board begun and maintained until now by CTO Paul Rinaldo. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The Spectrum Defense Fund continues to generate revenue but lacks the serious traction needed to hit its goal before December 31. So far the 2009 Defense revenues total $231,462 or 74.5% of the $310,625 annual goal. The Diamond Club has reached 94% of its 2009 target and stands at approximately $235,900 net of membership dues. Overall Development year-to-date revenues from all sources total $858,966 or nearly 92% of the original 2009 goal of $936,425. Production/Editorial Reported by S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA The February 2010 issue of QST was released to the printer December 17. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter for December 17, 2009. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for December 17. The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News will not be produced December 24 and December 31. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI RFI Mike Gruber reports that he wrote two letters to manufactures concerning RFI issues. The letters were sent a letter by post mail to Toyota and Verizon. A third manufacturer, AT&T was contacted by email. ARRL Letters involving power line noise were sent to SMUD, ComEd, and CenterPoint. Mike reports that he discussed some upcoming investigatory work in Illinois with Brian Cramer, K9RFI. There are a number of power line noise cases involving ComEd. Brian will be looking at a few in January. Mike completed and turned in rewritten and corrected material for the second printing of the RFI Book. Two chapters had to be rewritten as a result of the FCC mandated changeover to DTV. Mike compiled a list of open FCC cases requiring action for Laura Smith. Missing Web content was added to a number of RFI pages. Product Review Testing Bob Allison started testing on a very large late model HF/6M transceiver. This particular radio has considerably more controls and functions than average. Testing is taking a bit longer than average due to the radio's complexity. The FM mobile radios and two Handie Talkies previously tested were passed on to reviewers. A large, expensive Linear Amplifier was received in the Lab. It will be tested when the equipment comes back from calibration. Calibration time for our test equipment is near. The Lab has received favorable quotes from ESSCO Laboratories for critical test equipment. Calibration is re-scheduled for the first half of January to not conflict with major testing this year A used 10-dB step attenuator and a used HF power sensor purchased by the Lab were tested to be good. These will be sent out for calibration as well. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Amy Hurtado and Deb Jahnke participated in a quarterly teleconference with staff from RR Donnelley (QST printer). Topics included services utilized by ARRL, and a handful of new products and services offered by the printer: premedia technology, the paper market and trends, co-mail fulfillment operations and facility upgrades. These quarterly meetings help fulfill a portion of the new contract terms, and are intended to keep our organization up to date on market trends, vendor options, and the quality of customer care we receive. Bob Inderbitzen reports that Dayton Hamvention has accepted ARRL's proposal to exhibit at the 2010 event, May 14-16. The terms are largely the same as recent years. ARRL will again occupy a large exhibit area in the Ballarena Hall-where we have organized ARRL EXPO annually since 2005. The theme of Hamvention 2010 is "Amateur Radio Clubs Worldwide: The Lifeline." The Hamvention liaison to ARRL is Jim Nies, WX8F (2006-08 Chair). The new Hamvention Chair is ARRL member Lee Boeckerman, W8LFB. Gary DesCombs, N8EMO (2004-05 Chair) is the new Inside Exhibits Chair. Deb Jahnke reported that Hamvention will have their first 2010 ad in February QST. Gail Iannone has already made arrangements for ARRL to return to Marriott Fairfield Inn on Miller Lane in Dayton. Lastly, we learned that Hamvention has just finalized a 3 year contract with the Hara Complex, securing the facility for Hamvention 2010, 2011, and 2012. Bob is pursuing a software developer for a PC-based practice exam/study program. On a trial basis, we have started to fulfill orders for publication bundles being promoted by one of our suppliers. The bundles include the vendor's product, plus a selection of ARRL publications, and (in one of the bundles) ARRL membership. The vendor takes direct orders, and RELAYS the orders to ARRL for fulfillment. Now that's a new take on American Radio RELAY League. Product descriptions are being updated and edited on the web store in advance of the new web site and ecommerce infrastructure planned for early next year. ARRL's General and Extra Q&A study guides are being added to Amazon's Kindle Digital Platform. Since its introduction around the Thanksgiving holiday, 22 e-book downloads of the Tech Q&A book have been sold via Amazon. An invitation was distributed to Oklahoma and Texas radio clubs to participate in a membership recruitment drive. The drive, suggested by Director Woolweaver, involves radio clubs throughout the West Gulf Division. The top 10 clubs recruiting the highest percentage of new members will be recognized at Ham-Com in Plano, Texas in June. During the last week, the warehouse crew fulfilled a whopping 1,568 packages for publication and product orders. The weekly package counts are running ahead of last year's figures. Now Shipping: The ARRL Antenna Designer's Notebook. Coming soon: 2009 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM. Complimentary copies of both items will ship to ARRL officials in early January. ARRL Conventions Date Name Division City State ARRL HQ Rep. Jan 10 NLI Section (Ham Radio University) HU Bethpage NY Steve Ford Jan 29-30 Delta Division DL Jackson MS Feb 6 South Carolina State RK Ladson SC Feb 6 Virginia State RK Richmond VA Feb 12-14 N. Florida Section SE Orlando FL Feb 27 Vermont State NE Colchester VT Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly Official Observer summary and sent that to Official Observers, Official Observer Coordinators and Section Managers. One radio amateur from West Virginia has completed certification to become an OO. The monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report was also compiled and forwarded to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator. The FCC is continuing to follow up on the report of business use of a repeater. Another report of someone bootlegging the call sign, NL7R, was heard in South Texas. Also, volunteer monitors were asked to listen for a "bubble jammer" on 14.260 MHz while unidentified signals on 1.803 MHz and 3.865 MHz are being investigated. There is good news to report, too. A resolution was reached on a jamming situation on 3.905 MHz. Leona Adams has been coordinating work and making preparations for the Virginia Section Manager election. The two candidates (Glen Sage, W4GHS, and incumbent Carl Clements, W4CAC) have submitted their statements that will accompany the ballots. This is the only Section Manager election scheduled for this winter. Many Section Managers have also been sending in their 2009 section-related expense reports and receipts now that the end of the year is getting close. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 12/25 Holiday All Staff 1/1 Holiday Margie Bourgoin 1/1-1/11 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 12/28 Vacation Jackie Cornell 12/24 Vacation Paul Cuppini 12/24 Vacation Steve Ford 12/22-12/31 Vacation Scott Gee 12/23-12/24 Vacation `` 12/31 Vacation `` 1/4-1/5 Vacation Katie Glass 12/23-12/31 Vacation Joel Hallas 12/24 Vacation Ed Hare 1/5-1/9 PAVE-PAWS meetings Beale AFB, CA Penny Harts 12/24-12/31 Vacation Mary Hobart 12/24 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/21-1/4 Vacation `` 1/5-1/11 Beale AFB - PAVE PAWS project `` 3/5-3/7 S. Texas Section Convention/Greater Houston Hamfest Amy Hurtado 12/24-12/29 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/21-12/31 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 12/31 Vacation Linda Kleinschmidt 12/29 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 12/23 Vacation Maryann Macdonald 12/28-12/31 Vacation Bill Moore 12/28-1/6 Vacation Diane Petrilli 12/21-12/28 Vacation `` 12/31 Vacation AnnMarie Pinto 12/24 Vacation Allen Pitts 12/24-12/31 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 12/24-12/31 Vacation Dave Sumner 12/24 Vacation `` 12/30-12/31 Vacation Sharon Taratula 12/24 Vacation Perry Williams 12/23-12/28 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ