[ARRL-ODV:11389] Re: Cheap Airfares For the January Board Meeting

Not on the same issue, but.... I have been checking flights to the UK for Christmas and found that Virgin, which my wife likes to fly, had flights between $790 and $890 depending on when we flew. Then my daughter who lives in England got into the picture and asked us to wait a day to see if she could get a better deal though a friend who flies for Virgin. A few hours ago we booked a flight on Virgin for the two of us for only $643 return. We are flying off December 9 so I can be there for the ARRL Ten Meter Contest. I think all of the above numbers are lower than what we paid last year for the same time spread. Considering oil prices, these are all much lower than I would expect. Depending on what happens November 2nd will determine if we return. (Half joking.) Frank...N2FF.......
participants (1)
Frank Fallon - N2FF