[arrl-odv:15662] Fwd: Field Day Officially Renamed to "National Emergency Communications Drill" in SDG Section

FYI - Thought you should at least be aware of this. I am not about to introduce any motions to rename Field Day, although there is some truth to the claim that it is ham radio jargon. KY6LA is an interesting and controversial character. He put up a big tower in La Jolla, an upscale neighborhood of San Diego. The tower raised ire in some of his politically powerful neighbors who attempted to get the city council to change ordinances to get it removed. Being a contentious pit bull with adequate financial resources, KY6LA appears to have beaten back such attempts. I notice his activities on the San Diego DX Club E-mail reflector, where he is always trying to get the members to participate in some sort of emergency communications. His messages are answered with, "We're a DX Club, not an emergency communications club," but that won't stop next week's message. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Howard S. White <DrPaper@kleega.com> Date: Jun 8, 2007 1:00 AM Subject: Field Day Officially Renamed to "National Emergency Communications Drill" in SDG Section To: SDGARES@yahoogroups.com Terry Runyon K3PXX has recently been appointed ARRL Assistant Section Manager for Communications and Public Information. Terry is charged with the responsibility of ARRL Section PR for Field Day for SD and Imperial Counties. Terry is already working with the media to generate as much PR as possible… Since Field Day is a meaningless name to everyone except died in the wool hams and continually fails to garner any traction with the media .. As ARRL ASM, Terry has Officially renamed Field Day in San Diego and Imperial Counties as "Nationwide Emergency Communications Drill - June 23, 2007" All Organizations in San Diego and Imperial Counties are encouraged to use the New Name. We hope the new name will spread through grass roots use to all ARRL Sections… so that the media will be able to understand that the even has some meaning. ________________________________________________________ Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6 ex-AE6SM KY6LA 6885 Paseo Laredo La Jolla, CA 92037 USA Cell: +1 (858) 229-9360 Fax: +1 (858) 551-1068 Email: drpaper@kleega.com ky6la@ky6la.com URL: www.ky6la.com www.sdgares.org Member ARES(r) National Task Force Digital Network Management Team Secretary: San Diego Amateur Radio Emergency Services Group Emergency Coordinator – Official Emergency Stations Trustee – Medical Operations Center W6MOC "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" "Ham Antennas Save Lives - Katrina, 2003 San Diego Fires, 911"
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton