[arrl-odv:15332] IN-News

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Also the final drafts of the Intro to PRB-1 and CC&R article and VE/VCE Recruitment articles for QST were proofed and approved. We continue to receive reports about the status of cell phone and PRB-1 legislation in several states. On Wednesday March 21 hearings were held on Texas Senate Bill SB-11 but we have not received a report back on the results. Amateurs in NC are soliciting sponsors for a state PRB-1 bill for the NC State House to work parallel with the version being introduced into the NC State Senate. On Thursday and Friday approximately 50 emails and 20 phone calls were handled regarding the error in the RM-11306 ex parte petition. Thanks to Chris Imlay and Dave Sumner for prompt and thorough information to be able to respond to the queries. We were also able to work with Chris and Paul Rinaldo to obtain specific frequency coordination data for one of the 430 MHz repeaters in the Boston, MA area that may have to be re-coordinated because of the potential interference with US Air Force radar in that area. Media & Public Relations Work continues trying to collect all reports for editing into 2006 Annual Report. The hold function of the HQ phones has been changed and no longer defers to a local FM radio station, but now plays AR related files. If anyone has a special event or request to place on the phone during holds, this can be easily done in a day. The FCC has requested permission to use parts of our Emergency-Radio.org website on their own fcc.gov website. An extended QSO was done from W1AW with elementary school Hamsters in Massachusetts on Friday. The PR committee held a conference call on Wednesday eve, discussing upcoming forums and booths at conventions. A new video PSA is being planned and initial discussions were held regarding developing a unique ARRL signature sound for audio and video much like NBCs chimes. Submissions were sent to Chases Calendar of Events regarding World Amateur Radio Day (April 18) and Field Day. Press release posted for World Amateur Radio Day. There is continuing demand for the new EmComm brochure, Hello movie and Katrina-the Untold Story videos. Development The Diamond Club continues to grow with new requests for participation in the Diamond Terrace at the $250 level (and higher) being very popular. Invitations to 600 major donors and key advertisers to the annual Donor Reception at Dayton honoring NASA Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR will be mailed this week. Development is working with Marketing on the appearance of Bill McArthur at the ARRL Expo in Dayton on Friday, May 18. The 2007 Education & Technology Fund campaign mailing to 80,000 ARRL members is in production. Annual Report copy has been submitted and thanks to Margie Bourgoin final contacts are being made with major donors regarding the listing in the Annual Report, in QST and on the ARRL website. Thanks to Maryann Macdonald to worked on providing documents for the ARRL audit and is keeping the wheels of Development operation moving smoothly. Production/Editorial Joel Kleinman is on vacation this week. Before leaving, he distributed the lineup of articles and columns for June QST. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 12, distributed to 65,211 members on Mar 23. That's up by 663 over Mar 2 (there are five issues in March). Rick prepared/edited news items on ARRL's revised "regulation by bandwidth" proposals, Tech HF privileges, expansion of the ARRL Education and Technology Program, fund drive to install Amateur Radio antennas on the ISS Columbus module, update on the ARRL 500 kHz experiment and several news briefs and announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for March 23. Khrystyne Keane reports that May-June NCJ is on schedule, with 99% of the content in hand (she's awaiting K9LAs editorial). The Web features are back on schedule, with stories scheduled through the end of April. Khrystyne also helped finalize May QST by reviewing features and columns and compiling the table of contents. Sales and Marketing A milestone was achieved last week when membership reached 150,000 members. We continue to enjoy brisk returns from renewing members and recent direct mail solicitations. Weve taken delivery of the 2007/2008 ARRL Repeater Directory, desktop and pocket-sized versions. The warehouse crew processed 1,068 packages of fulfillment orders this week. In addition 755 free books were processed along with one March QST supplement. Staff throughout the organization have received dozens of requests for printed ARRL US Amateur Radio Bands Chart, following its publication in March QST. As a result, we are printing a large supply of these colorful charts as handouts. Well take delivery of these in the next week or so. The charts will be packaged in sets of 50 copies. The charts are available via the online catalog for a nominal fee. Free copies will also be included with hamfest materials, and made available to various ARRL volunteers and volunteer groups. Membership & Volunteer Programs Awards and DXCC Branch In an effort to provide easier to understand statistics for these two departments, we are no longer including Awards and DXCC weekly reports. We will provide an improved monthly report from here on. Contest Branch The crisis fires from last week are under control for the time being. With a much appreciated assist from Dan Henderson, N1ND, I was able to import the electronic log data for the January VHF Sweepstakes and the RTTY Round Up contests into ACCESS to merge it with the paper log data. All the data from these contests have been reviewed and sent off to the QST column authors, Jay Townsend, WS7I (RTTYRU) and Jan Carman, K5MA (Jan VHF). Kelly Taylor, VE4XT, submitted his column for the Sweepstakes Phone Contest. Im now in the process of preparing it for QST and the web. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system124,639,657QSL records have resulted 8,087,439Logs Processed345,360Active Certificates23,436Users registered in the system15,493Hybrids Pending Mail196 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 7 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 237 pounds of cards were received from members. The unusually high number of pounds received in the Outgoing Bureau is attributable to Tim Duffys, K3LR, Outgoing Bureau submission. W1AW The W1AW 23cm D-Star repeater system is currently off the air. Although the Internet gateway software works okay in general, changes to this softwarewhich would have allowed for nearly unfettered outside access to the system for software updates or changesraised concerns about security. The W1AW D-Star gateway establishes its Internet connection via the ARRL LAN. The changes (proposed by D-Star sysops in Texas and California) would have left the ARRL LAN somewhat open and vulnerable to possible attack by viruses, worms or hackers. Since these changes were to be implemented within the entire D-Star gateway network, it was decided to err on the side of caution and take the W1AW D-Star repeater offline until alternate plans for the updates can be made. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of March and early April. He also assisted the DXCC department with the editing of some DXCC applications. Field Organization/Public Service Team Preparations for the New Hampshire SM election continue. Leona Adams received the candidates statements and photos, and these together with the ballot card are about ready to be printed. Nearly two dozen Field Organization appointee supply kits were sent out this past week. Citizen Corps hosted their monthly teleconference with its affiliates, and Steve Ewald participated on the call for ARRL. The National Citizen Corps office announced that, starting March 31, it will transfer into the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from its current position in the Departments Office of Grant and Training. Citizen Corps marked its five-year anniversary last month. As the HQ liaison to Official Observers and Volunteer Monitors, Chuck Skolaut learned that the inappropriate tones and cuckoo sounds heard on a Nebraska repeater have been resolved. Updated information has been obtained about interference on local repeaters in the St Louis and Cincinnati areas. This was forwarded to the FCC. Official Observers have been alerted to an improper operation on 14.275 MHz, and Kentucky OOs are checking out a report of possible commercial use of a 440 frequency. We welcomed five new OOs into the Field Organization in the past two weeks. ARISS PR: Rosalie worked with Space Adventures on a news release they will distribute worldwide about their client Charles Simonyi, KE7KDP. ARISS Vice Chairman Gaston Bertels gave a presentation about Amateur Radio to the European Parliament; Chwat & Co sent Gaston a complimentary note, and asked for a copy of his report. For ARRL Members: Rosalie prepared the ARISS report for the ARRL Annual Report. During his week on the space station, Charles Simonyi will not only make ARISS school QSOs, but hell follow troubleshooting procedures developed by the ARISS Team to check the audio on the Ericsson radio, and look at why the Kenwood radio defaulted to factory settings. ARISS Effect on Students: Students at University School (OH), in conjunction with preparing for their ARISS QSO, learned about Amateur Radio, ISS communications and electronic construction projects. ARISS Mentors are working with four schools who will have a QSO with Space Civilian Charles Simonyi. ARISS News Update: Rosalie sent a file to The ARRL Foundation regarding the Columbus module, and the need of funding for antennas to facilitate the use of new frequencies and modes on ARISS -- L/S band, digital ATV, a transponder. Thanks goes to Rick Lindquist for posting a story about this on the ARRL Web pages. International Aspects: The international mentors used Echolink for the University School (OH) ARISS QSO, and there were 20 connections from around the world with an unknown number of listeners on 5 link nodes and on 2 repeater nodes. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer The TI sign-ups stand at 44. Logistic planning for the TIs is on-going. I provided support to a number of universities that are adapting some of the project boards and concepts in their curricula, some of the requests have been surprising in how they want to adapt the material. The grant applications for the May round are starting to arrive. Web/Software Development Early testing of the new membership application system revealed some issues regarding life memberships that hadnt been fully considered earlier and called for some revision. Micah Murray spent much of the week working on those issues. It now appears that Hugh Browers work on Web credit-card processing may come to fruition in time to integrate it into the new membership application system at turn-on. Hugh also dealt with a recurrence of Comcast blocking e-mail from our Web site, including bulletins and newsletters to members. Thanks to Don Durand, new Logbook of the World (LoTW) server hardware is now in-house and in a rack in the server room. Jon Bloom is working on migrating the LoTW software and database to the new hardware. This also involves migration to an updated version of the relational database system (MaxDB), so it is not a quick job. Jon is also continuing to work on integrating FedEx express shipping quotes into the on-line catalog. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 4/6 Holiday Leona Adams 4/18-4/20 Vacation John Bloom 4/16-4/20 Vacation LouAnn Campanello 4/16-4/20 Vacation Joe Carcia 5/25 Vacation `` 6/28-7/6 Vacation Steve Ewald 4/2-4/10 Hurricane Conference, New Orleans, LA/Vacation Scott Gee 4/9 Vacation `` 4/20 Vacation `` 5/17-5/18 Vacation Ed Hare 3/26-3/29 ANSI ASC C63 Committee, Piscataway, NJ Dan Henderson 5/3-5/7 South Carolina Section Convention, Spartanburg, SC `` 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention `` 8/16-8/27 ARRL National Convention, Huntsville, AL/Vacation Mary Hobart 4/19-4/20 Vacation Tom Hogerty 4/2-4/6 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 3/29-3/31 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI `` 4/16-4/20 Vacation Joel Kleinman 3/26-3/30 Vacation Micah Murray 4/9-4/13 Vacation Allen Pitts 4/23-4/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 4/11-4/23 IARU Reg.1 EC Meeting, Cavtat, Croatia/IRTS 75th, Cork, Ireland Janice Wytas 4/9-4/13 Vacation "UWnp s 6 y GJü€³ ÓÖ§ªôÜóŠ©LOÒòó ÕäJM & ; å ë !!!!"&"æ% &+úòëàëòúò×òúòúò×òúòÌòÌòÌòÌòÌòÌòëòÌòÌòÌòúòÁòÁò×ò×ò³ò§ò³òÁòÁòhwZCJ\]aJhwZB*CJaJphhwZ56CJ\]aJhwZ56CJaJhwZ6CJ]aJhwZ6CJaJhwZ5CJ\aJhwZ5\hwZCJaJ hwZ5; !"UVWno 6 7 hiwxy úøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøòòò7$8$H$$a$«:þËÌCD£€deúûü¬òóô µ¶¶ùùùùùùùùùùù÷÷÷ùùùùùù÷ùùùùùùù7$8$H$¶·ÐÑÒòó ÔÕä% & ; _ k l ùùù÷ù÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ññññSkd$$IfÖ0šÐš(ÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4Öaöl$If7$8$H$ ¡ © ª Ÿ Å ¬ŠŠSŠŠSkdD$$IfÖ0šÐšÿÿÿÿ(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4Öaöl$IfSkd$$IfÖ0šÐšÿÿÿÿ(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4ÖaölÅ Æ å ì í !!¬ŠŠSŠŠSkd$$IfÖ0šÐšÿÿÿÿ(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4Öaöl$IfSkdí$$IfÖ0šÐšÿÿÿÿ(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4Öaöl!!!! 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ