[arrl-odv:26764] Puerto Rico Recovery Traffic

Just to give you an idea on the type of communications being provided and the conditions our folks are working in. Please do not reply to them via the Winlink address, it will tie up needed bandwidth. Sent Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 1604 hours local. The following is an update of needs and condition in and around Mayaguez. [Western-most city in Puerto Rico] After meeting with medical staff at the Palacio de Recreacion de Devorte, we were provided with a list of needs to be passed on to ARC, FEMA and PREMA as well as others who may be able to provide assistance. We will be returning on Monday morning to meet with the Mayor. Needs: Water. The city water system has failed (over the past 24 hours) and water is a critical need and the first item mentioned Non-perishable food non-perishable (Extended life) boxed milk blankets baby formula masks (dust masks) Medical needs: Medical gloves (nitril/latex) in medium and large Glucose test strips Elastic Bandages (sterile and non-sterile) Gauze 2x2 and 4x4 (sterile and non-sterile) Hand sanitizer (gallon size) and smaller Thermometers and thermometer covers Diapers (S, M and L) Blue pads Wet wipes Sharps contailers and biohazard collection bags Disinfectant spray Mosquito/bug spray Bed sheets (twin) Tape (medical tape) Small cups for medicine distribution Saline solution and Sterile water Alcohol wipes Lysol wipes Blue washclothes Sharpie pens Scissors Adhesive pads Moisturizing cleaner spray Protective ointment cream Antibiotic cream Points of contact are: Israel Martinez (Emergency Director) Wifredo Medina (Nurse) Marta Martinez (Nurse) Elizabet Otero (Nurse) When asked, we were told that they are seeing ulcers, spider bites, patients needing oxygen, congestion and coughs. They have not had any patients presenting with fevers or other signs of illness/disease related to sanitation however, with the failure of the municipal water system, that is a concern. We were also approached by Jose Miguel Bermudez Pagan. He is a disabled electrical worker that is suffering from ongoing complications from an incident at work (burn victim). As a result, he can not tolerate being in an un-aircondtioned area. He has applied to FEMA for aid, and they are supposed to be shipping him a generator, as his condition is worsening. His case numbers that he gave me are 50-2603799 and 4339. He has two cell phones that he can be reached on 1(787)406-3212 and 1(939)285-1547. If this information could be handed to FEMA to see what the status is, that would be greatly appreciated. He's concerned that the generator may not reach him. Admin notes: We do not have transportation as we were dropped off here in Mayaguez. The stadium where the treatment facility is located is a several miles away and conditions in the city are not safe for foot travel. Firefighter Carlos F. Hernandez from Moca was dispactched to assist us and he has been an invaluable asset as he is bi-lingual and he knows the area a little. Moca is about 45 minutes away. If there is any chance of providing transportation, it will greatly improve upon our ability to accomplish the mission. Please advise if there are questions that we can deliver for answers and, please advise on our role in providing outbound Health and Welfare or Safe and Well outbound traffic. The Municipal firefighter that we met with was very interested in that capability. We will be returning to the stadium on Monday to meet with the Mayor and/or his staff to establish contact and offer our assistance as needed to assist with communications. Craig (N0CSM) Michael (N5TGL) Team Oeste (Mayaguez)
participants (1)
Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF (CEO)