[arrl-odv:17634] Definition of Broadband

Greetings. This morning, the due date, pursuant to Executive Committee authority, I filed the attached comments at FCC?in response to FCC's solicitation of comments on, among other things, the definition of "broadband"?These comments address the single issue of what should be considered "broadband" and what, due to inferior throughput, should not be. Since the Economic Recovery Act provides huge sums for broadband rollout in unserved areas, and since public funds are being expended here, we don't want FCC advising the NTIA or the Department of Agriculture that BPL,? for example, constitutes broadband. Thanks to Paul Rinaldo's good work with the IEEE-USA organization, and its committee for communications policy, we have a reasonably authoritative source for arguing that 20 Mb/s for the next five years should be the lower threshold for what constitutes "broadband" and 100 Mb/s for the five years after that. That incidentally leaves BPL out in the cold. Thanks to the Executive Committee, Messr's Sumner, Rinaldo and B. Price for their review and?corrective edits. Incidentally, there is a similar but more expansive broadband policy?Notice of Inquiry now out that we will have to address soon as well. 73, Chris W3KD Christopher D. Imlay Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper, P.C. 14356 Cape May Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011 (301) 384-5525 telephone (301) 384-6384 facsimile W3KD@ARRL.ORG
participants (1)
Chris Imlay