[arrl-odv:35283] Fwd: Big 40-year celebration at Kennedy Space Center of ham radio on human spaceflight

FYI. Hello to all, Here is a news release hot off the press about ARISS's "big-splash-celebration conference" of 40 years of ham radio on human spaceflight. ARRL did a lot regarding Owen Garriott's first foray into having hams be able to talk to a crew member in space, including loads of PR. I hope this conference will cause some excitement among ARRL VIPs and hard-working Hq staff, and members—and some of you may want to come to Kennedy Space Center to attend. ARISS has already received a commitment from an astronaut and some who said, "pretty-sure-I can-go." The ARISS website page about this just went live. The ARISS news release team will distribute the release in about the next 15 minutes. We're starting to hear from hams. Some are--and some aren't--SAREX and ARISS volunteers. Some were students who want to talk about how these radio contacts shaped STEM study and STEM career choices. Some educators plan to come talk about special students who were affected by these contacts. The news release contains many details. I hope you'll feel the excitement, just as I am. If you have questions, please email me. 73, Rosalie K1STO ARISS You're receiving this message because you're a member of the ARRL ARISS group from American Radio Relay League. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message. View group files <https://outlook.office365.com/owa/arrl-ariss@arrl.org/groupsubscription.ashx?source=EscalatedMessage&action=files&GuestId=ad8587be-048f-42b5-8a20-287d7de450cc> | Leave group <https://outlook.office365.com/owa/arrl-ariss@arrl.org/groupsubscription.ashx?source=EscalatedMessage&action=leave&GuestId=ad8587be-048f-42b5-8a20-287d7de450cc> | Learn more about Microsoft 365 Groups <https://aka.ms/o365g>

I remember the excitement of the first QSOs well. I installed an antenna on the Senate building roof and two meter equipment in Barry Goldwater’s office. I was with him and some press members when he made contact on the second try. The first attempt failed because of a NASA schedule change so W5LFL couldn’t meet the schedule, but the second time – the next day I think -- everything went smoothly. The change did however result in King Hussein making contact before Goldwater. 73, Dave K3ZJ From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com> Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 3:23 PM To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:35283] Fwd: Big 40-year celebration at Kennedy Space Center of ham radio on human spaceflight FYI. Hello to all, Here is a news release hot off the press about ARISS's "big-splash-celebration conference" of 40 years of ham radio on human spaceflight. ARRL did a lot regarding Owen Garriott's first foray into having hams be able to talk to a crew member in space, including loads of PR. I hope this conference will cause some excitement among ARRL VIPs and hard-working Hq staff, and members—and some of you may want to come to Kennedy Space Center to attend. ARISS has already received a commitment from an astronaut and some who said, "pretty-sure-I can-go." The ARISS website page about this just went live. The ARISS news release team will distribute the release in about the next 15 minutes. We're starting to hear from hams. Some are--and some aren't--SAREX and ARISS volunteers. Some were students who want to talk about how these radio contacts shaped STEM study and STEM career choices. Some educators plan to come talk about special students who were affected by these contacts. The news release contains many details. I hope you'll feel the excitement, just as I am. If you have questions, please email me. 73, Rosalie K1STO ARISS You're receiving this message because you're a member of the ARRL ARISS group from American Radio Relay League. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message. View group files<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/arrl-ariss@arrl.org/groupsubscription.ashx?source=EscalatedMessage&action=files&GuestId=ad8587be-048f-42b5-8a20-287d7de450cc> | Leave group<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/arrl-ariss@arrl.org/groupsubscription.ashx?source=EscalatedMessage&action=leave&GuestId=ad8587be-048f-42b5-8a20-287d7de450cc> | Learn more about Microsoft 365 Groups<https://aka.ms/o365g>
participants (2)
david davidsiddall-law.com
Mark J Tharp