[arrl-odv:32582] IMPORTANT: HQ Re-opening; COVID protocol

I am very much looking forward to meeting some of you face-to-face for the first time in person! I need to cover off a couple of things that have come across my desk in the past few days. HQ Reopening: We will be having the ceremony on Thursday morning. The weather looks like it will be cooperating, but it may be quite warm. We are very happy to have a slate of dignitaries who will be joining us as we re-open headquarters and W1AW! We are suggesting that gentlemen wear a sportscoat and open collar. Staff may be wearing ARRL logo shirts, but not t-shirts. It is important to understand that this is a small private ceremony, with HQ management and staff welcoming our Board members back to HQ - our "first among peers" members who we work with, nearly every day, and by sharing this event together we can take the next step forward towards normality! We will be following by bringing back HQ volunteers and then fully re-opening to all our members! This ceremony is not is an ARRL Board Meeting. This ceremony is not open to visitors. This ceremony is not open to anyone other than the ARRL Board family, ARRL Staff, and invited guests. We have made no provisions for refreshments, or for public use of bathrooms. This will be a very short celebration, and then we will head up to Windsor to undertake the business of the Board. As such: * If you are traveling with a companion, and if they would like to attend, please bring them. * Please do not invite others to the event. We have handled all invitations. * If you have already invited someone, such as a member or an ex-Board member, please reverse that to avoid any uncomfortable interactions. * This is not a campaign event. It is not open to outside candidates, and incumbents will recognize the sensitivity and issues with treating it like one. * Parking is going to be very limited. You are requested to take the bus to HQ for the ceremony. * At the end of the ceremony Legislative Affairs members will be speaking directly to the Congressman. Please give them the space to have that discussion. Bob Inderbitzen is running the ceremony. If you have any questions, please drop him a note. COVID protocols: As previously communicated, staff is currently at about 85% vaccinated. That does not mean that there isn't tension in the building with regard to the ceremony on Thursday. Our protocol is that employees who have had their vaccines and have provided documentation to HR are permitted to go maskless. The other employees, and any outside contractors, must wear masks at all times inside the building. We will not, for some time, have any members walking through the building. We have been extremely successful keeping employees safe from exposure. If you are here on Wednesday or on Thursday AM and need to meet with a staff member, you must schedule a meeting and we will have you go directly to the meeting room at the scheduled time for the meeting. The State of Connecticut COVID protocols still require anyone who has not been vaccinated to wear a mask, at all times, while indoors in public places. This includes the Marriott and our meeting spaces. If you have not been vaccinated, please ensure that you adhere to this requirement. Diane Middleton is the expert on the state COVID protocols. If you have any concerns, please contact her directly. Thanks. David
participants (1)
Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)