I like this idea. We ought to be proactive rather than reactive whenever possible in allocation matters. All too often we are forced into a defensive mode by commercial interests seeking to appropriate Amateur allocations. Since it appears the allocation has little actual authorized use it seems to be a situation where there is both no harm in the asking and a possibility of some real gain. A request for an exclusive digital allocation at 27.850 to 28.000 would reaffirm our commitment to the experimental and innovative aspect of the Amateur Service and would afford experimenters a place to put ideas into action and test them without striking fear in the hearts of Amateurs plying traditional modes. At present the freebanders operate in the allocation because they either have tacit approval or no active opposition. Though there is a risk that they might try to move above 28.000 if we are successful. There is also a risk that if left unchecked there numbers will grow and they will move above 28.000 anyway. Joel makes a good point that openings in this part of the spectrum will be limited for the next few years for any experiments due to declining sunspots. Perhaps could use this to our advantage in establishing a foothold in the allocation at a time when freeband activity is reduced. Im not clear how this request would detract from current efforts at 5MHz and 7 MHz? Each of these matters stands firmly on its own merits. If it is a question of funding I agree we will need to get a feel for the cost of seeking the additional allocation before proceeding, but at first blush it would not appear to be significant. 73, Jay, KØQB
participants (1)
John Bellows