[ARRL-ODV:8135] Re: Interesting Idea

I think it is a great idea. A North American School Radio Day could give the Big Project quite a boost. School administrators and instructors are more likly to be interested in using amateur radio in their schools after experiencing a national event demonstrating the merits and support of such a program. More ideas and possibilities come to mind as I think about it. Sounds like an idea that ARRL should explore. 73, Twila
I just got finished reading an article in Worldradio, January 03 edition (page 6), about a proposal for a North American school radio day. The article is authored by Ginger Eldridge KC5MTI. Couple of practical but small problems with the details as outlined but it sounds like it could be worked into a pretty neat deal. Anyone else read it?
Would be interesting to tie this concept into ARISS contacts with some schools. 73, Rod
participants (1)
Greenheck, n0jph