[arrl-odv:18232] FW: [IARU-R2-News] News from Radio Amateurs of Canada - RAC

Forwarded for information. Dave K1ZZ ________________________________ From: Daniel A. Lamoureux [mailto:ve2ka@videotron.ca] Sent: Tue 11/3/2009 9:52 PM To: iaru-r2-news@kkn.net Subject: [IARU-R2-News] News from Radio Amateurs of Canada - RAC Please note the news bulletin issued today by RAC: On October 29, 2009 at a teleconference meeting of the Board of Directors, the following people were elected for the years 2010-2011: President: Geoff Bawden VE4BAW; Secretary, Paul Burggraaf, VO1PRB; Treasurer Margaret Tidman, VA3VXN. Subsequently to that, Director Geoff Smith, VA3GS, resigned effective November 1, 2009; President Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, resigned effective October 31, 2009; Director Noël Marcil, VE2BR, resigned effective November 1, 2009. First Vice President, Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM, will assume the interim duties of the Presidency until December 31, 2009 when the new President will take over. The entire remaining Executive remains the same. The RAC Board and Executive extend sincere thanks to Geoff and Noël for their past services, and best wishes for the future. All attending the teleconference wish to thank Bob Cooke for the time he could devote to RAC's affairs both as a Past Director, Past Vice President of Field Services and then as President. Bob has a long history of working with RAC. His involvement started in the early 1990s as an Assistant Director and he was elected and served as RAC Ontario South Director from November 2001 to January 2005. He was then elected by the RAC Board as Vice president for Field Services, serving from January 2006 to February 2009 when he resigned to accept the appointment as President. G. Linda Friars, VE9GLF Corporate Secretary, Radio Amateurs of Canada Forwarded by: Daniel A. Lamoureux, VE2KA, RAC VPIA
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ