CLUB COMMISSIONS FOR RENEWALS ARE BACK! ATTENTION ALL ARRL AFFILIATED CLUBS: "We're not just talking about 'the good old days'-ARRL is bringing them back!" We may not be able to stretch our dollar as far as it used to go, but ARRL has found a way for you to add MORE dollars to your club treasury. How? ARRL is simply going to turn back time. Many clubs have expressed a desire to see Club Commission Membership Recruitment Program return to the way it was in "the good old days". Way back then, in addition to clubs receiving a commission for every new membership submission, a commission was also granted to clubs submitting renewals for existing members. ARRL is very appreciative of your recruitment efforts AND your opinions are valued. That's why ARRL is bringing back commissions for renewals in addition to the existing commission for new member sign-ups. You'll still receive a $15* commission for each new or lapsed (over 2 years) membership you submit, BUT in addition, you'll receive a $2* commission for every renewal you send in. So, as far as shoring up your club treasury is concerned, the sky's the limit. Hold a membership recruitment/renewal night, or perhaps you have your own strategies of how to capture those commissions (see <Tips on Recruiting>). But whatever you do...help spread the word: CLUB COMMISSIONS FOR RENEWALS ARE BACK! For complete details, see the ARRL Club Commission Membership Recruitment Program <http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/forms/club-commission-program.htm l>. *Commission not applicable for Family or Blind Memberships. This program cannot be combined with any other special offer or discount program.
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ