[arrl-odv:20630] TI-2 is a Go! New Online Forum for Teachers

FYI from Debra Johnson Regards/73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B ARRL Chief Operating Officer 860 594 0220 From: Johnson, Debra, K1DMJ Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:33 PM To: 'bulksend+edu@p1k.arrl.org' Subject: FW: TI-2 is a Go! New Online Forum for Teachers Teachers, I'm pleased to share two pieces of good news- Now Accepting Applications! 1) Dayton Amateur Radio Association will sponsor our Teachers Institute on Space in the Classroom (TI-2) again this summer and we are now accepting applications. This expenses paid, 4-day professional development opportunity will be July 9-12 in Dayton, Ohio. Eight seats will are available. An Amateur Radio license and prior attendance at a foundational TI (TI-1) are required. You'll find more details on our website at: www.arrl.org/ti-2-space-in-the-classroom As previously announced, we will also be offering two sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology (TI-1): www.arrl.org/teachers-institute-on-wireless-technology: o July 9-12 at Parallax in Rocklin, CA o July 23-26 at ARRL Headquarters, Newington, CT Application deadline is May 15, 2012. Contributions to the Education & Technology Program Fund <http://www.arrl.org/education-and-technology-fund> from individuals and ham radio clubs, as well as in-kind support from Yaesu USA, Ham Radio Outlet and Parallax make the Teachers Institute possible. Join our Online Forum for Classroom Teachers 2) We are implementing an online forum for classroom teachers on the ARRL website. You'll find a link to "Forums" on the home page of the ARRL website, or simply go to: www.arrl.org/forums and scroll down to "Amateur Radio in the Classroom." Mark Spencer, WA8SME will be moderating the forum, and other Teachers Institute instructors as well as past participants will be available to answer questions and respond with ideas from personal classroom experience. Some rich dialog has been shared in private email communications over the years; I'm pleased that now we can provide a way to open up that dialog for the benefit of all. Log in and post your questions or share an idea-- let's create an active online community that will generate ideas and inspiration for Wireless Technology instruction! Debra Johnson, K1DMJ Education Services Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(r) 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111-1494 (860) 594-0296 Fax: (860) 594-0259 djohnson@arrl.org <mailto:djohnson@arrl.org>

This is great news! 73, Joyce -----Original Message----- From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org]On Behalf Of Kramer, Harold, WJ1B Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:41 PM To: arrl-odv@arrl.org Cc: Johnson, Debra, K1DMJ Subject: [arrl-odv:20630] TI-2 is a Go! New Online Forum for Teachers FYI from Debra Johnson Regards/73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B ARRL Chief Operating Officer 860 594 0220 From: Johnson, Debra, K1DMJ Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:33 PM To: 'bulksend+edu@p1k.arrl.org' Subject: FW: TI-2 is a Go! New Online Forum for Teachers Teachers, I'm pleased to share two pieces of good news- Now Accepting Applications! 1) Dayton Amateur Radio Association will sponsor our Teachers Institute on Space in the Classroom (TI-2) again this summer and we are now accepting applications. This expenses paid, 4-day professional development opportunity will be July 9-12 in Dayton, Ohio. Eight seats will are available. An Amateur Radio license and prior attendance at a foundational TI (TI-1) are required. You'll find more details on our website at: www.arrl.org/ti-2-space-in-the-classroom As previously announced, we will also be offering two sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology (TI-1): www.arrl.org/teachers-institute-on-wireless-technology: o July 9-12 at Parallax in Rocklin, CA o July 23-26 at ARRL Headquarters, Newington, CT Application deadline is May 15, 2012. Contributions to the Education & Technology Program Fund from individuals and ham radio clubs, as well as in-kind support from Yaesu USA, Ham Radio Outlet and Parallax make the Teachers Institute possible. Join our Online Forum for Classroom Teachers 2) We are implementing an online forum for classroom teachers on the ARRL website. You'll find a link to "Forums" on the home page of the ARRL website, or simply go to: www.arrl.org/forums and scroll down to "Amateur Radio in the Classroom." Mark Spencer, WA8SME will be moderating the forum, and other Teachers Institute instructors as well as past participants will be available to answer questions and respond with ideas from personal classroom experience. Some rich dialog has been shared in private email communications over the years; I'm pleased that now we can provide a way to open up that dialog for the benefit of all. Log in and post your questions or share an idea-- let's create an active online community that will generate ideas and inspiration for Wireless Technology instruction! Debra Johnson, K1DMJ Education Services Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioR 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111-1494 (860) 594-0296 Fax: (860) 594-0259 djohnson@arrl.org
participants (2)
Joyce Birmingham
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B