IN-Newsletter Vol. 38, No. 22 August 13, 2014 - Covers the period July 5-August 9. Upcoming Meetings and Events United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) September 29-October 3 - ARRL HQ Executive Committee: October 4 @ 8:30am - Memphis, TN LoTW Study Committee November 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee November 15 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Director/Vice Director Elections November 15 Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Product Review testing has resumed after a successful Centennial. Bob Allison tested a digital/FM analog mobile transceiver. A data table was created and passed along to the Product Review Editor. With his blessing, the data was then sent to the manufacturer. Bob then went to work on an unusual product--a battery with multiple charging devices. Bob is currently looking at ways to test it. The President and Vice President of major Amateur Radio equipment manufacturer were at the Lab in the days following the Centennial. Considerable time was spent testing two of their transceivers recently purchased for Product Review. This work was fruitful for Bob and the manufacturer; Bob became familiar with the equipment for test purposes and Bob's curiosity for finding the sweet spots of the software adjustments resulted with improved performance of the receiver of each transceiver. Bob's previous discovery that some software defined receivers have improved IMD dynamic range with increased band activity was demonstrated to the manufacturer. Historical Collection Progress has been made with the help of the IT department for cataloging our historic hardware and paper collection, using "Past Perfect" software. A tutorial evaluation software version of this has been made available for training purposes. Mike Marinaro WN1M, and Jonathan Allen, K2KKH, and Bob Allison will be the key users of this new database. Radio Frequency Interference Mike Gruber is still getting complaints about the Eaton AFCI breakers-he thought the problem had been fixed-he will be testing some more breakers. Communications Van Work will be starting on the Lab's communications van. Two tires new tires that were on the old van will be put on the new van, which will also get a new battery. Once the van is rolling again, it will be tested for emissions and if it passes, will be ready for outfitting. The Lab thanks Building Manager, Greg Kwasowski, W1GJK, for his first rate mechanical skills. Centennial Celebration The Lab staff wishes to express their gratitude for the Lab's volunteers. The Lab looked first rate, thanks to their dedication: Martin Ewing, AA6E, Jonathan Allen, K2KKH, Lori Kosior, KB1ZML, Pete Turbide, W1PT and Keiko Kaplan, KB1PFF. Mike Gruber participated in the RFI 101 seminar at the Convention-he brought up some of the most common mistakes and misunderstandings that he has seen over the years concerning RFI. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days Logbook of the World Category July 2014 QSO Records Entered Into System 598,941,711 QSL Record Matches 92,509,772 Logs Processed 6,225,798 Active Certificates 102,627 Registered Users in System 68,716 Logbook Inquiries July 2014 Time on the Phone 18 Hours Phone Calls 166 Emails 1,239 Total 1,405 Field Organization/Public Service Team The ARRL Field Organization Team is preparing to count ballots for the Southern Florida Section Manager's election on Tuesday, August 19. The following ARRL members have been nominated to run for Section Manager in their respective sections for the next term of office that begins on January 1, 2015. Nominating petitions for this particular election cycle are due at Headquarters by Friday, September 5. In Western Pennsylvania, Paul Plants, W3PLP, of Washington, and Tim Duffy, K3LR, of West Middlesex, have both been nominated to run for the office. The current Western Pennsylvania Section Manager, John Rodgers, N3MSE, has announced that he does not plan to run for another new term of office. Darrell Davis, KT4WX, of Fort Meade, Florida, has been nominated to run for the West Central Florida Section Manager's position. Thomas "Skip" Arey, N2EI, of Beverly, New Jersey, has been nominated to run for Section Manager of Southern New Jersey. Incumbent Section Managers Dale Bagley, K0KY (Missouri) and Jim Mezey, W2KFV (New York City-Long Island) have also been nominated to run for new terms of office. Leona Adams has also been assisting the DXCC staff in some administrative work assignments when time allows. Chuck Skolaut and Steve Ewald have been helping to handle weekday morning W1AW code practices and host guest operators at W1AW while W1AW staff have been on vacation. One amateur from the Orange Section successfully completed certification to become an Official Observer. The monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report was compiled and forwarded to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring Coordinator. Several complaints were received regarding 14.313 MHz and 3.840 MHz on the west coast. Documentation was forwarded to the FCC regarding complaints of jamming and interference on 432 MHz in Illinois and the FCC is checking out complaints on a 40 meter frequency. Questions dealt with include total number of US licensees, operating overseas, antenna zoning, and use of Amateur Radio during an emergency. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 9/1 Holiday Leona Adams 9/2-9/5 PTO Bob Allison 8/11-8/14 PTO `` 8/28-8/29 PTO Allison Barbieri 8/25 PTO Steve Capodicasa 9/22-9/26 PTO Joe Carcia 8/15 PTO `` 8/22 PTO `` 8/29 PTO Lauren Clarke 8/16-8/18 Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL/PTO Steve Ewald 8/29-9/5 North Carolina State Convention, Shelby, NC/PTO Steve Ford 8/29-9/2 PTO Scott Gee 9/2-9/3 PTO `` 9/22-9/26 PTO Mike Gruber 8/25-8/29 PTO `` 9/29-10/3 PTO `` 10/10 PTO Dan Henderson 8/1-8/2 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX Dan Henderson 8/12-8/21 GAREC/Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL/PTO Bob Inderbitzen 8/16-8/17 Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL Harold Kramer 8/25-9/1 PTO Becky Schoenfeld 8/18-8/22 PTO `` 8/28-8/29 PTO Chuck Skolaut 8/17-8/27 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS/PTO Dave Sumner 8/13-8/18 PTO
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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ