[arrl-odv:16899] Standing Order 63, Volunteer Use Maximization - Chapter 2

Rest assured that my initial inquiry was not concerned with the legacy ARRL volunteer functions, especially since I have been one of those volunteers starting more than 50 years ago. My interest was piqued by the word "maximization." My observation is that there are a number of organizations that have effectively utilized volunteers in roles where the League uses paid employees. In many of these areas, the volunteer groups appear to equal or outperform the ARRL. Consequently, I'm not sure we are actually "maximizing." A few examples are: Internet Presence Contest Administration Awards Administration Classified Ads Computer Operations Response to Newcomer Questions Organizations that conduct such operations with volunteers include: CQ Magazine Worldradio Magazine QCWA eHam.com QRZ.com contesting.com In the next few chapters, I'll detail a few examples. In a role of setting League policy, which is similar to directing any business-like endeavor, I find it useful to observe the operation and degree of success achieved by similar groups. Whether we make any changes at all to the League's direction, I support periodically looking at what others are doing. This does not necessarily mean that I support complete transition of any or all these tasks to volunteers. Again, it does mean that we should be aware of the outside world. Stay tuned. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton