[arrl-odv:26117] Re: WY's ham population

Dewayne, As usual VP Mileshosky is pulling our legs. According to http://www.arrl.org/membership-stats Wyoming currently has 468 ARRL members, 461 of them being full members. So, your return produces something less than 0.25% increase. However, I strongly suspect that your contribution to the numbers of QSOs/year is a much higher figure. My experience has always been that most Wyoming hams are on vacation when I am in a contest where their mult would be of high value. 73, Greg, K0GW On Sunday, January 22, 2017, Dwayne Allen <Dwayne@wy7fd.com> wrote:
According to Vice-president Mileshosky, WY only has four hams. With my safe return, WY's ham population is back to full strength. Whatever the number happens to be.
Good meeting es 73, Dwayne, WY7FD
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G Widin