Dayton exhibitor's badges

Hamvention has offered to produce exhibitor's badges for ARRL, in advance of the event. The badges will serve as your admission ticket, and allow you into the exhibit areas a bit earlier than the general admission ticket.
If you are planning on going to Dayton, whether on your own or on behalf of the ARRL, please contact Bob Inderbitzen <> so he can include you on this badge list (including spouses). He'll need to turn in the list early next week.
Once we receive the badges, Bob will distribute them by mail.
Currently on the list> ...> .
Joel Harrison, W5ZN Larry Price, W4RA Kay Craigie, N3KN Carter Craigie, N3AO Jim Weaver, K8JE Gary Johnston, KI4LA Wade Walstron, W0EJ Dick Isely, W9GIG Howie Huntington, K9KM Bob Vallio, W6RGG
Again, you don't have to be going "officially" to get an exhibitor's badge. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ