[arrl-odv:28384] Thursday Night

Hi all: For the Thursday nightinformal meeting after dinner, will have three topics. Dave Sumner and RodStafford will make a short presentation on IARU matters. Kris Bickell, K1BIC,will make a presentation on Lifelong Learning, and, as I mentioned previously,Counsel Siddall will be here to discuss matters concerning the symbol rate proceedings. Also, we may have aguest for the pre-dinner social. RAC President, Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA,mentioned that Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN, will be in town on a family matter. Bryanhas been the RAC representative at preliminary meetings for World RadioConferences and has participated as RAC representative for the IARU at times. Iinvited Bryan to stop by if he has time, so please extend your greetings to himif he does. 73 Rick – K5UR
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