ARRL Novice Refarming Petition filed today.

Greetings. Attached is an as-filed (sans exhibits, cover page, summary and table of contents) copy of the ARRL Novice Refarming Petition. It is being tendered to FCC on paper today. Special thanks for editing assistance from Tom Frenaye, Dave Patton, Jay Bellows, Bruce Frahm, Paul Rinaldo and Mark Wilson. An open issue that Tom brought up, however: The petition does NOT address Novice/Tech Plus digital privileges at 80, 40 and 15 meters. The Committee report and the Board motion were silent on this subject. If the Board or the EC wishes to address this, we can pick it up in comments on our petition or on the inevitable NPRM on this subject. Please give some thought to that, as Tom had mentioned it in his edits to the filing. 73, Chris W3KD
participants (1)