[ARRL-ODV:9413] Re: Other IARU AC actions

In a message dated 09/11/2003 10:21:48 AM Central Daylight Time, dsumner@arrl.org writes:
Rod (in his role as a Region 2 representative who is on the Region 2 EC by virtue of representing the ARRL) and I (in my role as the IARU Secretary appointed by the ARRL) abstained. Everyone else voted in favor. (PB2T, VE6SH, JJ1OEY, and W4RI were present as observers and did not have a vote.)
This looks really bad. Our board position has not changed. Why would we abstain? Not only does it look bad, but our silence on the 9 petitions at the FCC also looks bad. We were asked by the FCC if we were going to lead or follow this train. It appears to the amateur community that we left the station all right, out the back door! We have until September 29 to either file something or not. I suggest that after dinner on Saturday, a meeting to discuss this and come up with a course of action. The League should be in the leading position not only here in the United States, but in the international arena as well. It would seem that we have abdicated our leadership role. Should there be a "special" board meeting to cover this situation? I would like to hear from each director as to their thoughts. Jim Haynie, W5JBP President, ARRL
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