Dick, You've hit the nail right on the head.... And we don't have a spam mailer on the mailbox right outside the door. <grin> - Bill N3LLR AR>22 MAR, 2002 - 1545 CST AR>It's too bad the Postal Rate Commission does not have the brains and/or AR>the guts to put the postage increase where it belongs; on the 3rd class AR>bulk rate (junk mail addressed to "occupant") users. Yes, the anthrax AR>scare after 9/11 caused a sharp drop in mailings - particularly in the AR>already over-priced 1st class mail. AR>But personal 1st class mail was dwindling long before then due to a AR>combination of ever higher rates, slower delivery service, and the AR>explosive increase in email use. Our 1st class postage consumption, AR>exclusive of our Christmas Newsletter - which may go electronic this AR>year - has dropped from 350-400 stamps a year to about 100. We may be AR>ahead of the mob on this, but this is why 1st class mail is vanishing. AR>The coming 1st class increase will accelerate this process. AR>My worry is that the PRC may start asking for federal subsidies rather AR>than finally requiring junk mail users to pick up their fair share of AR>the cost. AR>73 - Dick, W9GIG
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