FCC Staff Travel to Ham Conventions

We have been alerted by Riley Hollingsworth that there is a new FCC policy that prohibits FCC staff from traveling to events sponsored by FCC regulatees, even if the sponsor of the travel is a Section 501(c)(3) organization. This is a not-unexpected change in policy, and has?nothing?to do with Amateur Radio or the Amateur Radio enforcement program, as best we can determine. What this means, though, is that if Riley Hollingsworth travels to a ham convention, the cost of his travel comes from the FCC's budget. Riley has, therefore, cancelled three previously accepted trips to ham conventions this year. He is still planning to go to Dayton, because he gets the biggest bang for the FCC buck there in terms of attendees for his session. Riley seems to be of the view that in a new administration, things may be different. I am not convinced of that, since the concern about FCC sponsored travel seems to be a bipartisan Capitol Hill issue, and has been for some time. Do not, therefore, expect to be able to get Riley to attend any of your Division events, at least for the near term. Riley's travel has been significantly reduced in recent years from the breakneck pace he set during the first few years of the new enforcement program. But his success in enforcement is largely based on deterrence; the view that good behavior on air is necessary because FCC is always there listening; and Riley's "in-your-face" style contributed a great deal toward his success. So a lack of visibility on his part is not a good thing as a general matter. It is not likely that any special arrangements will be made for him or anyone else, at least not soon. 73, Chris W3KD ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com
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