[ARRL-ODV:10191] Grassroots BPL Lobbying Package

Ladies and Gentlemen: Here are the key components of staff's proposed grassroots lobbying package on BPL. Please begin with Derek Riker's paper, "Managing a Grassroots Congressional Campaign on BPL." This provides basic guidance. Note that the last four pages of this eight-page document is addressed to grassroots members. Then please look at my paper, "Why is the ARRL Concerned About the FCC's NPRM on BPL?" I wrote this to analyze, in no more than two pages, why the FCC's attempt to address the interference issue falls short. IMPORTANT: Before this package is distributed beyond ODV I would like you all to review this paper with special regard to the section, "What is the ARRL's Proposed Solution?" It isn't enough for us to say "BPL is bad." The process the FCC is engaged in is one of balancing the risk (or probability) of harmful interference to licensed radio services against the benefit of an incremental increase in the availability or affordability of broadband services to consumers and small businesses. We cannot expect the FCC to reduce the risk to zero; however, we can reasonably argue for limits and standards that will preclude interference to typical amateur stations, especially mobile stations that cannot make practical use of the proposed mitigation procedures. Now that we know what is in the NPRM I believe we should conduct the measurements necessary to document the radiated emission limits that would protect typical amateur mobile stations on public thoroughfares. Another important paper is the "BPL Legislative Talker" that contains talking points. Finally, there are attached two "boiler plate" draft letters for Senators and Representatives respectively. Frankly, I am not satisfied with these letters. However, at this point I thought it would be more useful to share the package with you and get feedback before doing any more reworking of the drafts. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ <<Managing a Grassroots Congressional Campaign on BPL.doc>> <<Why is the ARRL Concerned About BPL.doc>> <<BPL Legislative Talker.doc>> <<Dear Senator.doc>> <<Dear Representative.doc>>
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ