[ARRL-ODV:8514] World Of Ends

8 MAR, 2003 - 0930 CST I have heard so many people say the Internet is the end of, or is damaging amateur radio... that I want to throw up when I hear this line of thinking. My son, a computer engineer sent me URL below. I think the viewpoints about the Internet expressed on that page provide a lot of balance to the endless chatter and fumbling by our politicians and business leaders who want to "control" and "improve" the Internet. Perhaps this perspective will help us to further utilize this network to our advantage - or at least avoid the pitfalls. However, this is not meant to be a criticism of anything we are doing, or should be doing. Just another view of what is driving a large segment of our economy and society. 73 - Dick, W9GIG ------------------------------------------- This URL points to a page that summarizes A LOT of very interesting, very deep concepts about the Internet. Well worth reading and showing to others... http://worldofends.com/
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