Gee, we are getting into the old debate of whether we are a democracy or a republic in operational form. I have to agree with Jay . . . and, simultaneously, with Tuck. I believe that as a Director, it is my responsibility to keep in touch as closely as possible with the Division membership and also educate myself to information they may not have in front of them. My vote is developed from a combination of member input and "other" information. I am not a parrot who always regurgitates the voice of the members and I am not an elitist who automatically feels above the members. This said, I don't particularly care if every member in this Division share their opinion with me (would be nice if they did). If they don't care enough to give me their opinion, this is up to them. Not voting is an option. On the other hand, if out of 13,000 members, 3,000 vote and of these 2,000 favor a particular position, you can bet what my conclusion is concerning the wishes of members who have an opinion they are willing to express. I'm receiving inquiries as to the "ARRL position" as I suppose are the rest of you. Unless someone can give me a solid reason for not doing so, I plan to poll the Division if we don't poll the total membership. 73 Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division k8je@arrl.org - Tel. 513-459-0142 ARRL -- The reason Amateur Radio is! GREAT LAKES DIVISION CONVENTION, September 6, 2003: See http://greatlakes.arrl.org
participants (1)
Jim Weaver