[arrl-odv:24162] Strategic Planning to Section Managers

ODV Members: This e-mail is being sent to the Section Managers today. It is meant, of course both to "keep them in the loop" and to solicit ideas that they might have as we continue our deliberations. As we continue to update you, please provide us feedback and suggestions. We will soon provide you with our ideas regarding the ARRL Mission Statement, Core Values,and Vision Statement. We plan to do this regularly as we finish our discussions on specific tasks. We are soon changing our meeting format from the Phone Bridge to GoToMeeting as it allows us a nearly instantaneous view and feedback occurring during our discussions. 73 Jim K9JF To ARRL Section Managers Greetings, As you probably know, at the January 2015 Board Meeting, the Board approved a review of the current strategic plan which was approved in 2009. ARRL President Kay Craigie soon after asked me to chair the Strategic Planning Working Group (WG). Members of this Working Group include Dakota Division Director Greg Widin K0GW, Vice Directors Kermit Carlson W9XA, Bonnie Altus AB7ZQ, Art Zygielbaum K0AIZ, COO Harold Kramer WJ1B and Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen NQ1R. Each member of our team has past strategic planning experience in our respective professional careers. The WG has been meeting via the phone bridge, discussing the methodologies needed to develop a plan that the Board can review, debate, modify and ultimately approve. This should occur during the January 2016 Board Meeting. To date, we reviewed the ARRL Mission, Core Values, Vision Statement along with an assessment of the ARRL's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). Given this background work, we are about to brainstorm strategies. A Strategic Plan looks forward. In the ARRL's revised plan, this means from 5 into the future. A strategy verbalizes what we WANT to do. Tactics describe HOW we satisfy elements of strategies and are much more specific. Definition of these tactics allow for more descriptive actions, timelines and measurement opportunities. Ultimately, our work will be reviewed, modified and approved by the Directors. The WG is now beginning to reach out to our stakeholders to assist us with ideas and programs designed to strengthen the ARRL and Amateur Radio in general. We ask each of you to examine your experience with the ARRL and to brainstorm how the League can position itself for the challenges in the future while maintaining programs and processes that members have come to expect. A web site has been set up to assist ARRL members to communicate to the Working Group (strategicplan@arrl.org). Section Managers can either use this forum or send an e-mail directly with input. I will forward these to the other members of our team. Soon, an article will appear on the ARRL Web Site discussing the Working Group and it's task. For those of you attending the Dayton Hamvention next month, I will be attending the Section Manager's meeting and was asked to update the attendees about our progress and receive additional input and ideas. Thanks for your involvement, input and service to the ARRL and our membership! I look forward to meeting many of you in Dayton. 73 Jim K9JF Vancouver, WA James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372 James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372 James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372 James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372
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