[arrl-odv:35734] PSC Meeting Monday April 1 8 PM EDT

29 Mar
29 Mar
2:01 a.m.
PSC is meeting Monday night April 1 at 8 PM EDT. The meeting will be done before 9 PM as several have other meetings to get to. Attached is the agenda for the meeting and minutes from the last meeting. Below is the zoom link for the meeting. Regards, Bill Lippert AC0W PSC Chair Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84804533717?pwd=MGc2WlNsOTh3UzBqcDZ4dDFWZkpFQT09 Meeting ID: 848 0453 3717 Passcode: 889443 --- One tap mobile +13126266799,,84804533717#,,,,*889443# US (Chicago) +13092053325,,84804533717#,,,,*889443# US --- Dial by your location * +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) * +1 309 205 3325 US * +1 646 931 3860 US
Age (days ago)
Last active (days ago)
1 participants
participants (1)
Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK)