[arrl-odv:16696] RE: [arrl-odv:16683] Court of Appeals decision

Every episode of the series "Jericho" (now unfortunately canceled) started with a morse code message when the opening title displayed. It gave a clue about the mystery of the series (who set off the bombs). Unfortunately, at least in the first season, whoever created the audio effect didn't have the rhythm down and I found it very hard to copy. It got better in the later seasons. -- Andy Oppel, N6AJO At 02:42 PM 4/25/2008, Kay Craigie wrote:
Hats off to everybody who prepared and argued the case. Like everyone else, I wish the court had ruled 100% in our favor with no dissenting opinion, but I am very happy about the parts that went our way. I am proud that our Board had the collective spine to spend what it cost to seek justice for Amateur Radio. If it were true, as League-bashers are wont to say, that "the ARRL is only in it for the money," we would never have filed this suit.
By the way -- totally unrelated subject -- one of the plot twists in last night's episode of "Lost" hinged upon a Morse code message received on the mysterious island. One of the castaways told his comrades that the geeky bad guy's rendition of the message was a lie. Indeed it was a lie. I heard the message the same way the castaway did.
Who knew being able to copy code in my head would make a TV show more fun?
73 - Kay N3KN
Andy Oppel andy@andyoppel.com andy_oppel@alamedanet.net
participants (1)
Andy Oppel