IN-Newsletter Vol. 41, No. 9 March 9, 2016 - Covers the period February 28-March 5. Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events Executive Committee March 12 @ 8:30am in Westlake, TX Administration & Finance Committee May 4 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY Files for the new High Speed Multi Media book were sent to the printer. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Bob Allison tested an ultrasonic receiver in the field for an upcoming QST Product Review. The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum in Windsor has been plagued by powerline noise. Bob found the noise source, which was then confirmed by RFI Expert, Mike Gruber, W1MG, using professional grade equipment. Mike Gruber completed writing a product review for the ultrasonic pin-pointer. Mike wishes to thank Bob Allison for his assistance with this review. It was sent on Thursday to Mark Wilson, along with a photo. Bob also tested three low pass filters and a triplexer. The combination of these devices allows the use of three transceivers on one triband antenna. Web Zack Lau worked on updating the Technology pages on the ARRL Web site. Publications Bob reviewed many complicated technical articles that were submitted to the ARRL for possible publishing in QEX and QST Magazine. RFI Mike Gruber participated in a meeting for the Task Group working on new text for the IEEE P-1897 document. This document is entitled, Recommended Practice for the Resolution of Power Line Noise Complaints. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Promotions featuring a variety of ARRL publications and products, with seasonal themes (St. Patrick's Day and "start of spring"), are being prepared for distribution this month. Now available in the Kindle format from Amazon: Work the World with JT65 and JT9<http://amzn.com/B01CGU79EQ>, ARRL's Small Antennas for Small Spaces 2nd edition<http://amzn.com/B01CLH5YIW> and Antenna Physics: An Introduction<http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CQ07E46>. All of the 2016 ARRL Field Day merchandise (t-shirts, hats, pins, stickers, etc.) is in-stock and available for ordering<https://www.arrl.org/shop/Field-Day-Supplies/>...early this year! Yvette Vinci is attending the 2016 National Postal Forum in Nashville, TN, March 20-23. Diane Petrilli is attending ASAE's Great Ideas Conference in Colorado, March 13-15. The event gathers association executives and membership directors from around the globe, and includes labs on many membership and marketing related topics. Bob Inderbitzen committed our travel team and exhibits for ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention, May 20-22. Registration information has been shared with our staff travel team, ODV, and Section Managers. Bob also committed some planning for the ARRL and IARU exhibits at HAM RADIO 2016 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 24-26. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci: Week Ending Calls Answered Calls Per Hour Total Talking Duration Average Speed of Answer 3/4/2016 1,049 23.3 31:48:04 11 seconds 2/26/2016 1,101 24.4 34:31:47 11 seconds 2/19/2016 812 22.5 22:32:21 9 seconds 2/12/2016 829 18.4 26:05:13 11 seconds Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week Ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 3/4/2016 1,464 525 2/26/2016 1,051 738 2/19/2016 776 168 2/12/2016 704 402 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 2-3 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 2 Days Number of Centennial applications processed: Centennial Challenge QSO 2839 W1AW/WAS 2018 W1AW Joe Carcia updated the web code practice files and their archives. He created the texts for the March W1AW Qualifying Runs. He updated both the weekly code practice web page source and the Qualifying Run web schedules. He completed labeling all the antenna elements on the Cushcraft A148-20T 2-meter crossed yagi antenna (used in the ARISS Go-Kit). Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the week. He also processed some VUCC applications. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams reports the following information now that the March 4th nomination receipt deadline has passed for the spring season Section Manager election cycle that results in new terms of office starting July 1, 2016. There will be one balloted election this spring in Alabama. J. Vann Martin, W4JVM, of Chelsea, will face Dennis Littleton, K4DL, of West Blocton, for the Section Manager's position that is 18 months (instead of 2 years) because the call for nominations were re-solicited. Out-going Section Manager David Drummond, W4MD, decided not to run for a new term of office. He has been SM since January 2011. Brent Walls, N9BA, of Brownsburg, Indiana, will become the new Indiana Section Manager on July 1 since he was the only candidate to submit a petition. Incumbent Indiana SM Joseph Lawrence, K9RFZ, decided not run for a second term of office. He has been SM for past two years. Patrick Moretti, KA1RB, of Dousman, Wisconsin, will become the Wisconsin Section Manager this July since he was the only nominee to run the office. Incumbent Section Manager Gary Sorensen, W9ULK, decided not to run for another term. He has been SM since 2014. John Core, KX7YT, of Gaston, Oregon, will become the new Oregon Section Manager in July as he was the only nominee to run for the next term of office. Incumbent SM Everett Curry, W6ABM, decided to not run for a new term. Everett has been Oregon Section Manager since January 2014. The following incumbent Section Managers, who did not face opposition, will continue their new, two-year terms of office starting July 1. Ray Hollenbeck, KL1IL, Alaska; Tom Ciciora, KA9QPN, Illinois; Bill Crowley, K1NIT, Maine; Steve Szabo, WB4OMM, Northern Florida; Brandon Bianchi, NI6C, Santa Clara Valley; Paul Gayet, AA1SU, Vermont. One radio amateur from Maryland completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch to the Region 2 IARU Monitoring Coordinator. Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ, helped identify a radio amateur in Lincoln, Nebraska, who a caller wanted information about. The Orange section OOC reports that a jamming problem on a local repeater seems to have resolved itself. Interference to the ECARS net on 7.255 MHz and 7.200 MHz were reported. Questions were answered for a prospective ham, and information requested regarding changing a repeater trustee was referred to the VEC. Another question involved the CQ 100 and Hamsphere virtual ham radio software programs. The newly appointed OOC for South Texas, Mark Stennett, NA6M, paid a visit to headquarters. Chuck also conducted one morning code practice session at W1AW. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 3/25 Holiday Leona Adams 3/18 PTO Alli Barbieri 4/25-4/29 PTO `` 5/18-5/22 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH Steve Ewald 3/28-4/5 PTO Tom Gallagher 3/11-3/13 Executive Committee Meeting, Westlake, TX Dave Sumner 3/11-3/13 Executive Committee Meeting, Westlake, TX
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ