DX Advisory Committee Semi-Annual Report

DX Advisory Committee Semi-Annual Report June 30, 2005 To the American Radio Relay League Board of Directors Submitted by Jim O'Connell, W9WU Chairman, DX Advisory Committee Central Division Representative Introduction This has been a quiet period for the DXAC Committee with no substantial issues or assignments. DX and Other Issues Committee members were disappointed to learn that Southeastern Division Representative Bob Alphin, K4UEE, and other team members had to re-schedule their trip to Peter I island for 2006. The American Samoa/Swains Island White Paper by K1ZZ was posted to the Committee reflector to assist members in answering any questions from their local DX'ers. During May, an Informal Eyeball DXAC gathering at the Dayton Hamvention has been part of the Committee's tradition for a number of years. While no Committee business is discussed, we meet informally after the DX Dinner and 14 present and former members stopped to say hello. Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG and MSD Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG also dropped by the DXAC table. The ARRL booth area and display received many favorable comments from DXAC members attending the Hamvention. The DXAC will continue to solicit feedback from the DX community on current DX issues and pass those opinions on to the P&SC and ARRL staff. We remain ready to discuss and make recommendations on any matter or issue referred to the DXAC by the P&SC or Board of Directors. Respectfully submitted, Jim O'Connell, W9WU Chairman, DX Advisory Committee Central Division Representative -- Bob Vallio -- W6RGG Pacific Division Director, ARRL The national association for AMATEUR RADIO
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Bob Vallio