[arrl-odv:28848] Fwd: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $1, 835.59 donation

Dear ODV, Passing along this feedback about the amazonsmile program. 73, Ria N2RJ ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Glenn Carella <gcarella@verizon.net> Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 9:36 AM Subject: Fwd: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $1,835.59 donation To: <n2rj@arrl.org> Good morning Ria, I received the email below and thought I would send it along. I know you have mentioned this to the membership in the past, but it is good to remind them. This isn't huge but it isn't chump change either. Be well, Glenn Carella, N2GOP gcarella@verizon.net -----Original Message----- From: Amazon.com <store-news@amazon.com> To: n2gop <n2gop@arrl.net> Sent: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 3:11 am Subject: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $1,835.59 donation You are supporting American Radio Relay League by shopping at smile.amazon.com <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=142BQDJT5QJH3&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dpe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_ss%3Fref_%3Dsmile_em_ssfl_smi&H=1GFLF4BUOG9RFMWGAAEQIRBUAAIA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_ss> [image: Amazon.com] <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=226O24JFFZXER&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dpe_8705550_432091860_pe_button%2F&H=TASGZBNOUVXH4DEK1QRVLGABMNWA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860_pe_button> [image: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =] *Dear Glenn Carella,* This is your quarterly AmazonSmile donation notification. Your charity, *American Radio Relay League*, recently received a quarterly donation of *$1,835.59* thanks to customers shopping at smile.amazon.com <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=K1BH33SWEYS4&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dpe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_body1&H=RAIV2L74PYADGKOY6SDTGPY87JGA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_body1>. To date, AmazonSmile has donated a total of: - *$34,045.28* to American Radio Relay League - *$144,958,582.84* to all charities Thank you for supporting American Radio Relay League by shopping at smile.amazon.com <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=7NYPDTWDT8XB&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dpe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_body2&H=ID7SAUCGU389T6AKG2WE6NXIJPQA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_body2>. You can track your impact throughout the year at your My Impact page <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=1YRY3SDZKECNE&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fchpf%2Fdashboard%2Fref%3Dpe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_myimp&H=BPME6HS3DNIZYXZ2AT4WXR743NAA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860_smi_em_disb_myimp> . Go to smile.amazon.com <https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn:msg:201910090711272358cb4f19804b788900f6f68530p0na&R=R35IVQUUL0TH&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%3Fref_%3Dpe_8705550_432091860&H=EJCAMABBJR4WCNHVSOKLODFXQ9UA&ref_=pe_8705550_432091860> This notification reflects the charity you were supporting as of Sept 27. © 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, Prime, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109 <https://www.google.com/maps/search/410+Terry+Avenue+N.,+Seattle,+WA+98109?entry=gmail&source=g>-5210. Reference: 432091860 Please note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address: n2gop@arrl.net

Our local radio club does this too. They haven't made as much as the ARRL, but it does pay for coffee at meetings! 73; Mike W7VO
On October 9, 2019 at 8:12 AM "rjairam@gmail.com" <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear ODV,
Passing along this feedback about the amazonsmile program.
73, Ria N2RJ
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Glenn Carella < gcarella@verizon.net mailto:gcarella@verizon.net > Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 9:36 AM Subject: Fwd: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $1,835.59 donation To: < n2rj@arrl.org mailto:n2rj@arrl.org >
Good morning Ria,
I received the email below and thought I would send it along. I know you have mentioned this to the membership in the past, but it is good to remind them. This isn't huge but it isn't chump change either.
Be well,
Glenn Carella, N2GOP gcarella@verizon.net mailto:gcarella@verizon.net
-----Original Message----- From: Amazon.com < store-news@amazon.com mailto:store-news@amazon.com > To: n2gop < n2gop@arrl.net mailto:n2gop@arrl.net > Sent: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 3:11 am Subject: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $1,835.59 donation
You are supporting American Radio Relay League by shopping at smile.amazon.com https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn...
[Amazon.com] https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn... [= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =] Dear Glenn Carella,
This is your quarterly AmazonSmile donation notification. Your charity, American Radio Relay League, recently received a quarterly donation of $1,835.59 thanks to customers shopping at smile.amazon.com https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn... .
To date, AmazonSmile has donated a total of: * $34,045.28 to American Radio Relay League * $144,958,582.84 to all charities Thank you for supporting American Radio Relay League by shopping at smile.amazon.com https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn... . You can track your impact throughout the year at your My Impact page https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn... . Go to smile.amazon.com https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3SP3QVKC2S1HL&K=3143FU15DQ7UX&M=urn:rtn...
This notification reflects the charity you were supporting as of Sept 27.
© 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, Prime, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109 https://www.google.com/maps/search/410+Terry+Avenue+N.,+Seattle,+WA+98109?en... -5210. Reference: 432091860
Please note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address: n2gop@arrl.net mailto:n2gop@arrl.net _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv
participants (2)
Michael Ritz