[arrl-odv:19531] Web project status report as of January 5

Last week Fathom delivered the audio RSS feed on schedule. It took a few days to iron out some integration issues, but yesterday Jon Bloom pronounced it ready for use for this week's ARRL Audio News. In addition, we plan to produce an audio version of the December ARES E-Letter next week and to produce audio versions of this popular monthly newsletter on a regular basis thereafter. Website performance continues to be an issue at peak demand times. Illness slowed Jon down over the holidays, but he expects to have a quote from Rackspace and a recommended solution by the end of this week. It's expected to take two or three weeks to make the change. In my December 16 report I mentioned that we had asked Fathom to make it a matter of priority to correct a problem connecting a guest account to a membership account once the guest has decided to become a member. They did so, we tested the result, and closed the bug ticket on the 18th. Since that report, 14 other tickets have been closed. Leaving aside the tickets that are related to establishing the ability to host forums (to implement Strategic Objective B2) there are 8 open tickets assigned to Fathom. I have asked Kim Mitola of Fathom for a plan and timetable for resolving these remaining bugs, and expect to have it next week. With regard to forums, this new capability was part of the original plan and will be implemented at no additional cost under the original agreement. However, as several of you have observed, we don't want to introduce something new until the remaining outstanding issues are resolved. There are 25 open tickets assigned to ARRL staff; this number went up a bit over the holidays. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ