[ARRL-ODV:10613] Lists of new licensees, upgrades and members

There's a new tool available on the Web site to help manage distribution of monthly lists of new hams, recent upgrades and new members. See http://www.arrl.org/members-only/NEAM/ The new ham and upgrade information has been posted as text files in the ODV section of the Web site at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/ODV/docs/New%20Licensees%20and%20Upgrades/ Another version has been sent sporadically to Section Managers and affiliated clubs for use in promoting membership and club and field organization activities. The new page is in final testing and will be announced to SMs and clubs in about a week. You must be logged into the Web site to access the page. It will be open to ODV, SMs and those members listed in the affiliated club records (designated contact person, club president, newsletter editor).
From the new Web page, you can:
* select new licensees and/or upgrades from the FCC database * select new ARRL members (visible to ODV and SMs only) * search by Division, Section or ZIP code * receive the search results as an HTML Web page, a comma separated or tab separated data file, or a PDF file formatted for printing on a common Avery label format Please give the new page a try. If you have any questions or problems with it please, please contact Jon Bloom or me. Once the new page is complete, we'd like to consolidate the monthly listing here and stop posting the text files to the ODV Web site file area. Please let me know if that's a problem. 73, Mark K1RO
participants (1)
Wilson, Mark K1RO