[arrl-odv:14020] Re: Outstanding news from the House Commerce Committee

Jim, there's no question but that our efforts targeted at the members of the House Commerce Committee paid off. Let me mention one example. Eric Heis met with Rep. Eshoo's Chief of Staff on Wednesday, April 12, who said he wanted to see some constituent letters before proceeding with any action. Eric relayed that to me the following day, and I drafted an email for Bob Vallio to send to members in Eshoo's district (CA-14). Bob improved my draft and put it in the outgoing queue on Good Friday, and Jon Bloom released it Saturday morning. By the following Tuesday Eric had 20 letters to deliver to Eshoo's office! Once the bill gets its number we'll need to crank up the constituent mail in support of retaining the BPL provision. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ