[arrl-odv:14131] 902-928 MHz Comments as-filed

Greetings. The FCC issued in March an NPRM which really was a Notice of Inquiry. It asked what the FCC could do to encourage the almost DOA "multilateration Location Monitoring Service" (a terrestrial service for location of objects and tracking) at 902-928 MHz, while also expanding Part 15 operation in this band. It is something of a dog's breakfast already, but there is some substantial Amateur repeater and weak signal operation there that we want to protect. You can see from the NPRM, it is quite obvious that there is little to be gained from any "rebanding" of 902-928 MHz, as you can see from our comments. But we thought we would take a stab at protecting the dual weak signal segments at 902-903 MHz, centered on 902.1 MHz and (on the East Coast) 903.1 MHz. Thanks to Joel Harrison for strategizing this; to Paul Rinaldo for the outline and much of the substance; and to Dave Sumner for fine tuning of the draft. This has been reviewed by the Executive Committee and was filed electronically today. Any surviving errors are my own. 73, Chris W3KD
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