Joel, Well said. As concerns Dayton of the past, weve been lucky to have gotten anything at all from the yahoos who previously ran it as their own test tube baby. I believe we have the opportunity to continue turning the attitude in our favor as well as to get something out it we never could have expected in the past. 73 Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communication system in the world. -----Original Message----- From: Joel Harrison [mailto:w5zn@arrl.org] Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 2:44 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10791] Re: PLANNED MOTION CONCERNING A 2005 ARRL NATIONAL CONVENTION Jay, In my 17 years on this board, there have been numerous and multiple discussions about the "National Convention". There have also been a number of ad-hoc committees appointed to look at how we do things with the national convention. Obviously, a number of the venues from previous years wanted to be an "ARRL National Convention" to give their little hamfest some notoriety.....I'm serious about saying this because we have had some that were really just that, a little hamfest. But the local hamfest committee was able to convince us they had a big deal when in reality they had convinced themselves they would have a big show, and would continue to have in future years, if they could just have a national convention. Of course, history has proved that to be nothing but dreams. We used to have a national every year somewhere, and there was a period there in the 90s that it just got out of hand in my opinion. That is when the last "national convention committee" looked at things and we scaled back. We've looked at a number of things, even holding our own national convention outside of a regularly scheduled hamfest. That was scrapped and rightly so. We could never put on our own event. The staff resources it would take and cost involved could never be paid for in admission and other fees.....or at least a fee that hams would pay! So, we've been left with what we have now in the By-Laws and the majority of the decision and guidance left up the the board, and there is just not much that can be put in writing. I agree with you completely. If someone is going to use the name of the League to enhance their deal, we ought to get something out of it. To date, we haven't and I think that is wrong, especially for a big show like the Hamvention. 73 Joel W5ZN -----Original Message----- From: JBellows [mailto:jbellows@skypoint.com] Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 4:26 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10789] Re: PLANNED MOTION CONCERNING A 2005 ARRL NATIONAL CONVENTION There doesnt seem to be much guidance in the Rules and Regulations regarding the when where or why ARRL has a national convention. The Rules attached to the Bylaws simply state: 5. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Board of Directors may authorize or direct upon such terms as it may prescribe, the holding, as a National Convention, of a meeting of persons interested in Amateur Radio from throughout the operating territory of the League. The President will assign a member of the Board to work with the staff to evaluate National Convention applications and negotiate ARRL participation. The management, program and financial plans of every such convention shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. I understand why the folks at the Hamvention would like us to designate the 2005 Hamvention an ARRL National Convention. Before voting on this I would like to know if there really is some substance and purpose to a national convention. Im not necessarily opposed to the idea but if the purpose is simply to give the Hamvention (or any other event) a little window dressing it concerns me that we may appear to be renting out the name of the League. If the term ARRL National Convention is to have any meaning we need to identify some substantial and distinguishing features or aspects of the event peculiarly identified with ARRL and of particular benefit to ARRL and its members. That may be challenging, particularly in the context of an event as large and multifaceted as the Hamvention but we ought to try. Perhaps this is fodder for Thursday evening pre-meeting discussion. Jay, KØQB
participants (1)
Jim K8JE