FW: [ve-list:234] ARRL VE update for Spring - April 2006

Hi, FYI, here is the VEC Newsletter that Maria sent out last week. If you would like to be on the VE mailing list let her know and she will add your name. 73, Harold Subject: [ve-list:234] ARRL VE update for Spring - April 2006 Dear VE: As the number of VEs who have signed up to receive the VE Express Newsletter has 'grown', I thought now would be a good time to 'Spring' some information on you. National Volunteer Week is April 23-29, 2006. This week is about thanking one of America's most valuable assets - our volunteers. The 2006 National theme is "Inspire By Example" because it truly reflects the power volunteers have to inspire the people they help, as well as, to inspire others to serve. I want to take the opportunity to personally thank our volunteers, for their dedication and service to the amateur radio community. We recognize and appreciate all that you, our Volunteer Examiners, do to help our community grow. We thank you for your support! If you are planning to attend the Dayton Hamvention this year, I will be operating the ARRL VEC booth. Stop by and say hello! 73, Maria A. Somma, AB1FM Manager ARRL VEC vec@arrl.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- In This Issue: ARRL VEC Announces Vanity Call Sign License Renewal Program Article of interest in March QST on IRAQ VE Team Priority Mail Envelope with Our Return Label Being Refused at the Post Office ARRL VEC National Exam Day Weekends New Question Pool Schedule New Technician Class Element 2 Exams ExamWin Software Updates Overlay Grading Templates Session Tidbits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ARRL VEC Announces Vanity Call Sign License Renewal Program The ARRL VEC just recently announced that we can now process vanity license renewals. Software changes have been implemented so that the VEC can begin renewing Amateur Radio station licenses that have been assigned vanity call signs. We will process vanity license RENEWALS electronically to the FCC for a modest fee (see "ARRL Processing Fee Schedule" below). Requests for new vanity call sign are still handled directly with FCC by the individual. ARRL VEC implemented this service now, because the first of those licenses are due to expire as soon as June. The service is available to ARRL members and nonmembers, although League members will pay less. Routine, non-vanity renewals continue to be free for ARRL members. In addition, trustees of club stations with vanity call signs may renew either via the Universal Licensing System (ULS) (http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls <http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls> , Online Filing) or through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator, such as ARRL VEC. As the FCC has already noted, licensees who want to keep their vanity call signs must pay the regulatory fee, currently $21.90 for the 10-year license term, when renewing their licenses. Licensees who don't want to pay the mandatory regulatory fee to retain a vanity call sign may request a sequentially issued call sign at the time of renewal. There is no fee to renew an amateur service station license when the licensee requests that the call sign be changed to a sequentially assigned call sign. Renewal applications must be filed no earlier than 90 days before the license expiration date. All radio amateurs must have an FCC Federal Registration Number (FRN) before filing any application with the Commission. Applicants can obtain an FRN by going to the ULS web page and clicking on the "New Users Register" link. You must supply your Social Security Number to obtain an FRN. Those holding vanity call signs issued prior to 1996 are exempt from the vanity call sign regulatory fee. That's because Congress did not authorize the FCC to collect regulatory fees until 1993. Such heritage vanity call sign holders do not appear as vanity licensees in the ULS http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls <http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls> Amateur Radio database. To renew licenses using ULS, licensees should log into ULS License Manager (http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls <http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls> , Online Filing) using their FCC Registration Number (FRN) and CORES password. Licensees that wish to keep their vanity call signs should select "Renew" under the "Work on this License" option. Fees for electronically filed applications may be paid online or may be mailed. For mailing instructions visit the Fees website at http://www.fcc.gov/fees/appfees.html <http://www.fcc.gov/fees/appfees.html> . Interactive filers that choose not to renew their vanity call sign must select the "Systematic Call Sign Change" option from the "Work on this License" list. In order to obtain a new call sign, licensees should answer "NO" to the question "Your license is eligible for renewal. Renew call sign (vanity call sign)?" This will result in a new license, with a sequentially assigned call sign, being issued. For additional information or assistance from the FCC on how to renew a Vanity Call Sign, visit the Web at http://esupport.fcc.gov <http://esupport.fcc.gov/> or call the ULS Customer Support Hotline at 877-480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824). Hours are from 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays). To provide quality service and ensure security, all telephone calls are recorded. ARRL's new license renewal/modification Web pages contain complete information on license-filing procedures, including step-by-step instructions on how to renew or update a license using the FCC's ULS site. League members should visit the "ARRL Member Instructions for License Renewals or Changes" http://www.arrl.org/fcc/memberlicenseinstructions.html <http://www.arrl.org/fcc/memberlicenseinstructions.html> page, while the "Instructions for License Renewals or Changes" page http://www.arrl.org/fcc/licenseinstructions.html <http://www.arrl.org/fcc/licenseinstructions.html> covers general renewal procedures for nonmembers. There's additional information on the ARRL VEC's "FCC License Renewals and ARRL License Expiration Notices" page http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/renewals.html <http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/renewals.html> . It is important to note, these ARRL Processing Fees cannot be waived or reduced, and VE Teams may NOT keep a portion of these non-session related processing fees. For these renewals and changes sent along with the session - the $6 VE reimbursement fee may not be retained. ---------------------------------- ARRL Processing Fee Schedule For ARRL Members: Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- No charge Vanity License Change (address, name) -- No charge Vanity License Renewal - $26.90 (includes the current $21.90 FCC regulatory fee and a $5 ARRL VEC processing fee) For Nonmembers: Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- $14 ARRL VEC processing fee Vanity License Change (address, name) -- $14 ARRL VEC processing fee Vanity License Renewal -- $35.90 (includes the current $21.90 FCC regulatory fee and a $14 ARRL VEC processing fee) For Club Stations: Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- No charge Vanity License Change (address, name) -- No charge Vanity License Renewal - current $21.90 FCC regulatory fee ARRL cannot process requests for NEW vanity call sign. They must be done directly with FCC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- Article of interest in March QST on IRAQ VE Team The article is titled "VE Testing in Iraq - How to set up a test session in a Combat Zone" and is written by Bruce McPherson, AB3AC/YI9AC. You can find it on page 46 of QST magazine. While he was in Iraq, Lt Col McPherson worked with the ARRL VEC staff to assemble an exam team and then the real work began: identifying candidates and getting them safely to the test session! After months of planning, the VEC had a major success with the assembly of a VE Team in Iraq. Two sessions, held in May 2005, were conducted at the Baghdad embassy. Candidates arrived heavily armed, and many came in by helicopter. These historic sessions, believed to be the first exam sessions given in a combat zone, produced 5 new technicians. The article is well written and worth reading. We continue to encourage the setting up of a VE team in Iraq, as there are still requests from potential candidates. The problem is geographic and cultural - how to find and assemble a minimum of 3 amateurs who are VE's, in an area about the size of Idaho, while in a combat zone. If you have e-mail contact with a VE, or are a VE yourself - serving in Iraq - please let us know. You too could be a part of history ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- Priority Mail Envelope with Our Return Label Being Refused at the Post Office. Please know that your use of our BRM (Business Reply Mail) First-Class Mail Label with the Priority Mail envelope is very much valid when returning your session materials back to the ARRL VEC. The problem lies with the postal clerk's lack of knowledge regarding First-Class Mail and Priority Mail. Priority Mail is First-Class Mail according to the USPS postal regulations. If you encounter a problem, ask politely to see the Postmaster; and refer them to the BRM notice below. This comes from their own website! If you have had a problem in the past, please go back to the Post Office where you did your mailing and refer them to the BRM notice below. If you have any further problems, contact the VEC, and please supply us with the name of the person(s) with which you talked, and their telephone number. There is a chapter and verse permitting use of the BRM for Priority Mail in the "Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual". You can also check the "Quick service guides" Section 507a on the USPS web site http://pe.usps.com/text/QSG300/Q507a.htm <http://pe.usps.com/text/QSG300/Q000.htm> . A Printer-Friendly PDF version is available at http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/qsg300/q507a.pdf <http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/qsg300/q507a.pdf> . THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS AN EXCERPT FROM USPS QUICK SERVICE GUIDE. Pay particular attention to the underlined text. ---------------------------------- Quick Service Guide 507a Additional Services Business Reply Mail (BRM) January 2006 Overview ---------------------------------- For an annual permit fee, a Business Reply Mail (BRM) permit is available for distributing business reply cards, envelopes, self-mailers, cartons, and labels. BRM allows the permit holder to receive First-Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers by paying postage only on the mail returned. The BRM permit holder guarantees payment of First-Class Mail postage plus a per piece charge for pieces returned by the USPS (see payment options below). When designing a BRM mail piece or label, mailers must consult with their local post office. The piece must conform to a specific format to qualify as BRM, including a unique ZIP+4 code assigned by the USPS. Proofs for regular BRM should be approved by the USPS before printing. Proofs for Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) must be approved by the USPS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- 2006 ARRL VEC National Exam Day Weekends ARRL sponsored national exam day weekends are held annually on the last full weekends of April and September. Spring national exam day weekend is April 29 -30, 2006. Fall national exam day weekend is September 23-24, 2006. We thank you for your support of these events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- New Question Pool Schedule Technician class (Element 2) Pool released January 23, 2006 and updated February 6, 2006, will take effective July 1, 2006. The current Technician Pool is valid until midnight June 30, 2006. General class (Element 3) will be released December 1, 2006 and will become effective July 1, 2007. The current General Pool will now be valid until June 30, 2007. Extra class (Element 4) will be released December 1, 2007 and will become effective July 1, 2008. The current Extra Pool will now be valid until June 30, 2008. Be sure to use only the February 6, 2006 version of the Technician pool when preparing classroom materials or new examinations for the July 1st release date. The newer version of the pool includes an errata sheet that provides a quick reference to all changes in the new version. New Exams are due to be mailed to Stocked VE Team Leaders about the 3rd week in June. For additional information see "New Technician Class Element 2 Exams" below. The current Question Pools can be viewed or printed from the ARRL Web at http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/pools.html <http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/pools.html> . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- New Technician Class Element 2 Exams The new Technician class question pool will take effect for all Element 2 Technician class license written exams on July 1, 2006. With the Technician class exams changing July 1st, new test designs must be used effective that day. ARRL VEC will be supplying all its (near 1,000) Field Stocked VE teams with new test booklets about the 3rd week in June. Current ARRL VEC supplied Technician class test booklets versions (2-1-2003, 2-2-2003, 2-5-2003 and 2-6-2004) are valid until midnight June 30, 2006. At that time you may destroy the old versions of the Technician exams. ExamWin Software Updates The ARRL VEC ExamWin Software will get updated too. If you use our ExamWin Software package, an ExamWin software update will be available on the web site about mid-June 2006. If your team is using ExamWin software, please be sure that you have the latest update. The current version, ExamWin - (vers. 1.25), was released July 2004. It can be downloaded from the VEC web site at http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examwin/ <http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examwin/> . If you will need any NCVEC Form 605s, CSCEs, other exam summary forms or code supplies to go with your current ExamWin (vers. 1.25), please contact us directly. Do not toss out Overlay Grading Templates, ever! The blue plastic overlay grading templates used to grade the exams at test sessions, should never be thrown away or destroyed when new exam versions are introduced. We specifically designed the plastic templates so that they will always be useful, no matter what exams are created. They will never become obsolete. The "Key for Templates" is what will be replaced (paper instructions - explains how to line up the template and explains which template corresponds which exam version for proper grading). The KEY will simply be changed or updated to let you know how to match up the templates with any new exams that are issued. Simply put, the overlay grading templates will never go out of style ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- SESSION TIDBITS * Exam Session Registration and Supplies Team liaisons should contact the ARRL VEC directly so that we have the most up to date information posted in our computer and on the ARRL VEC Exam Session Search page http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml . Under normal situations, the team should try to register 3 to 4 weeks in advance of the session. This way we can make certain the materials requested reach the team in a timely and cost effective manner. Field Stocked teams should be especially vigilant about keeping us informed of who has possession of the exam supplies. Notify us immediately when the teams Field Stock changes hands to ensure that any exam updates will be mailed to and received by the proper person. Periodically check your supplies to make sure they are current and that the quantities are sufficient. We thank you for your ongoing exam session support ! * Test Results Be sure to show on your Candidate Rosters the results of all exams passed and failed, and show where credit was accepted. For failed tests, you must return those along with any passed test documents back to the ARRL VEC in your completed test session package. Each Candidate Roster entry will have an accompanying $14 fee payment. * Fees ARRL VEC Test Fee for 2006 is $14.00. For necessary and prudent expenses incurred at a session, a team can retain up to $6.00 per EXAM fee collected for reimbursement. For Renewals and Changes sent in with the session to be processed by ARRL VEC - the $6 may not be held back for these NON-EXAM related transactions. ======================================================================== == VE Express Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League, Inc. The National Association For Amateur Radio ARRL VEC 225 Main St Newington CT 06111 USA Email: vec@arrl.org ARRL VEC telephone: 860-594-0300 ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339 ARRL telephone: 860-594-0200 Joel Harrison, W5ZN - President David Sumner, K1ZZ - Chief Executive Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B - Chief Operating Officer Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor *eof ===========================================================
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B