[arrl-odv:34698] All good things...

In the year 2018 the members of the Hudson Division elected me to serve them as their Director for their League, effective 1st January, 2019 at 12 Noon Eastern time. During my campaign I had canvassed every club, through all boundaries of the division - Saratoga County and Hoosick Falls, Ocean-Monmouth, Peconic, and right here home in Sussex County NJ. It is something I continued to do after I was elected, year after year - often at my own expense, enduring cold weather and hours of Tesla Supercharging. I very much became a household name here. Through three CEOs, several new Board colleagues, many meetings, and one pandemic later - this has been a very interesting learning experience for me, for which I am grateful. It was also hopeful, helpful, amazing, disappointing and puzzling. But all of that isn't necessarily bad, it is just life and reality. But like all things there is an end date. I have been a very hardworking director and even though that effort was not acknowledged in the way that some others have been, I had my 100% dedication, heart and soul in this. But I will say that it was 100% acknowledged by my Division's members, and that to me was all the validation or reward that I ever needed. Yes, I did it for the members, many of whom are my friends. It was something that was an honor for me to do. In many respects I have brought to the boardroom matters that were never even imagined. I have sought to engage and ask questions that were likely not on the radar. I sought to be an active participant and not simply an endorsement or affirmation. I have also shared my views, my perspectives because diversity of all things, especially opinion, is healthy. We cannot all agree. We also should not take it personally. This is how governance happens. That said, the events of late last year into this year have given me new perspectives when some of the silent parts were read out loud. It was a disappointing episode, and something I hope the entire Board can learn from. I have been offered the opportunity to serve in a capacity that would permit me to effect meaningful and timely change. It has required that I evaluate where the investment of my time, efforts and leadership pose the most realistic prospect of progress and benefit for the community I love. Based on that evaluation, I have made the decision to resign as Hudson Division Director effective March 31, 2023 at 5PM Eastern. My devotion to amateur radio remains undiminished and my efforts on its behalf will not cease, but with the potential of that devotion and effort producing measurable progress, I am compelled to embrace the opportunity. I am thankful for the many friends I have garnered and the knowledge I have been blessed to acquire while serving as Hudson Division Director. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Until we meet again. 73 Ria, N2RJ Ria Jairam, N2RJ Director, Hudson Division ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio Tel: +1.973.594.6275 Email: n2rj@arrl.org https://hudson.arrl.org http://arrl.org
participants (1)
Jairam, Ria, N2RJ (Dir, HD)