[arrl-odv:24740] January Board Meeting Dates

Two people in the space of less than an hour have asked me the dates of the January Board Meeting, so on the theory that there may be others wondering the same thing let me respond on ODV. The Board Meeting dates and locations are set out in Bylaw 25: 25. The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in the vicinity of Newington, Connecticut, beginning on the 3rd Friday of January. The Second Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in the vicinity of Newington, Connecticut, beginning on the 3rd Friday of July. The places of the meetings shall be designated by the President and notified by the Secretary. The times and places of the meetings may be changed provided that specific provision is made therefor by (1) majority vote of the directors at the next preceding Annual or Second Meeting, or (2) majority vote of the directors by mail initiated by the Executive Committee or on petition of at least five directors, such mail vote to be taken at least 60 days previous to the date proposed for the meeting. The third Friday in January 2016 is January 15, so the meeting will begin on that date unless changed by mail vote of the Board under provision (2). The provision (1) option was not exercised when the Board met in July, after which staff made arrangements for hotel room and meeting space at our usual hotel in Windsor. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ