[arrl-odv:23098] FW: 2 things

FYI, below is an email thread discussing SGL activities. It’s great to see members excited and looking to help. We need to make sure that we provide them information to help focus on effectively communicating the League’s message. 73, Doug K4AC From: Doug Rehman [mailto:doug@k4ac.com] Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 2:27 PM To: 'Ewald, Steve, WV1X'; 'David Drummond, W4MD' Cc: 'Christopher Hall K4LIA'; Henderson, Dan N1ND <dhenderson@arrl.org> Subject: RE: 2 things Steve: If this does lead to an online meeting or reflector, the Division Directors and/or their designees should be included for their perspective and experience. Thanks & 73, Doug Doug Rehman, K4AC Director Southeastern Division ARRL—The National Association for Amateur Radio® doug@k4ac.com www.arrlse.org <http://www.arrlse.org/> www.facebook.com/arrlse From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X [mailto:wv1x@arrl.org] Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 1:25 PM To: David Drummond, W4MD Cc: 'Christopher Hall K4LIA'; Rehman, Doug, K4AC Subject: RE: 2 things Hi David, Thank you for writing and for expressing the interest from Chris to hold a potential SGL “Go-To-Meeting.” Dan Henderson, N1ND, is, indeed, the best person to help facilitate a “Go-To-Meeting” conference. I talked to Dan, and he would like discuss this idea with you and Chris at the upcoming Huntsville Convention. Dan will be attending on behalf of ARRL Headquarters. When plans and ideas come together, I can use our e-mail capabilities at ARRL HQ to get the word out to SGLs and SMs if and when needed. 73, Steve Ewald, WV1X Supervisor, Field Organization Team ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™ 860-594-0265 sewald@arrl.org From: David Drummond, W4MD Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 6:33 PM To: Ewald, Steve, WV1X Cc: 'Christopher Hall K4LIA'; Rehman, Doug, K4AC Subject: FW: 2 things Steve: I have an SGL, Chris Hall – K4LIA, who has an idea. That idea is to have a meeting set-up such as we do with the “Go-to-meetings” to allow all appointed SGL’s a place to network. If they could share ideas it might help in accomplishing many of our goals. I think there are about 50 appointed SGLs and not sure how many can be handled with the go-to-meetings. It would have to be determined who would have an interest in such and how frequently they should or could be held. I thought of maybe a reflector such as we do with the SM reflector but judging by its use, I doubt it would be any different with the SGL’s providing little participation. A conference type call seems the best. As far as who would facilitate such a call, I am not sure. Dan Henderson comes to mind but not sure this falls under his hat. Maybe it is your hat? Or since my SGL is very enthusiastic about this, he might could help with getting it started if it was felt this as viable direction to go in. So what so you think? This suggestion is only an attempt to find tools that will help field service appointed personnel maximize their performance. David – W4MD AL SM _____ From: David Drummond [mailto:w4md@bellsouth.net] Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 5:17 PM To: 'Christopher Hall K4LIA' Subject: RE: 2 things Chris: 1.) Hope the shirt fits! 2.) SGL’s – I will mention this in the forum. You can comment as well when you are up for comments. As Doug and Kay both will be at the Hamfest, we can mention it to them face to face. This should plant the seed. At this time the go-to-meetings that I set up can handle up to 29 or maybe it is 26 folks. I assume if you request a certain number it could be facilitated. What I can do is send this idea out via the Section manager reflector to the other SMs to run by their SGL’s. Might be important to find out what percentage of SGLs would participate or find this something they have an interest in. It can only be a move in a positive direction as I suspect many SGL’s hold the appointment without much direction. 3.) I will also run this idea by Steve Ewald who is the Field Service Manager at HQ whom I answer to. He might be able to get the idea out as well. What you think? Oh, you will be at the ARRL AL Section Forum, I hope? _____ From: Christopher Hall K4LIA [mailto:k4lia@hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 4:41 PM To: David Drummond Subject: 2 things 1. thanks for the shirt... 2. i know the plate is full but do not forget... I want to check and see about some sort of system for the SGL's like we have they way we do all Alabama Section Officers. We have no unity as far as I know of. There are 50 SGL's each going in a different direction. If there are SGL's in states with more than one section, then there are more than 50... If we pooled and worked together, the states that passed PRB-1 could help those of us that need to pass PRB-1. I am checking to see if there is a free version of go-to-meeting to get this done. Thank you for the opportunity to do this! Chris K4LIA
participants (1)
Doug Rehman