[arrl-odv:22795] Proposed Resolution to elect Bruce Frahm K0BJ ARRL Honorary Vice President

Here is a draft of a proposed resolution to elect Bruce Frahm K0BJ as an ARRL Honorary Vice President at the July 2014 ARRL Board meeting. Highlights of Bruce's service to ARRL and Amateur Radio are summarized in the draft resolution below. Bruce meets the requirements of Standing Order 69 as set out in paragraph 12.9 of the Directors' Workbook, including not less than 15 years of service as an official of the League (20 years for Bruce), and service as a committee chair or officer (both in Bruce's case). The requirements include an upper limit of ten Honorary Vice Presidents, and there are currently six living HVP's, so there is a vacancy available. Dave Sumner tells me there is precedent for the Board waiving the requirements that the election be at an annual meeting by secret ballot, and I have included that in the draft resolution. Here's a brief biographical sketch of Bruce's Amateur Radio accomplishments as required to be furnished to the Directors by Section 12.9: First licensed in October 1967 as WN0TAS; WA0TAS in June, 1969; Advanced in 1970 and Extra in June, 1971; ARRL Member since December 1967; ARRL Life Member in 1969; Vice Director 1994-2006; Director 2006-2010; Second Vice President 2010-2014; Programs and Services Committee member and Chair; HF Band Planning Committee chair; Ethics and Election Committee member; ARRL Foundation Board; ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee Chair; Maxim Society member; Past President of the Trojan ARC; Life Member of AMSAT; NCDXF donor; Kansas Ham of the Year 2000; 5BDXCC and #1 HR; 5BWAS; and operated from approximately thirty countries. I have known Bruce for more than 20 years, and have worked closely with him on League affairs the past 8 years. In my opinion Bruce is very deserving of recognition as an Honorary Vice President. I think it would be a nice tribute to Bruce's service to receive this recognition during this Centennial year. If any of you have feedback, thoughts, or comments, please let me know. If there is a consensus among the Board on this issue, I will submit the draft resolution to be added to the agenda for the July 2014 meeting. Thanks. Cliff K0CA Draft Resolution: The Chair opened nominations for Honorary Vice President. On motion of Mr. Ahrens, seconded by __________, it was unanimously VOTED that the provisions of Standing Order 69 for Honorary Vice President elections at annual meetings by secret ballot are waived, and the following resolution is adopted. WHEREAS, Bruce J. Frahm K0BJ, has served the American Radio Relay League, Inc., for twenty years as Vice Director (1994-2006), Director (2006-2010), and Second Vice President (2010-2014); and WHEREAS, he has served the League diligently on Board committees, including member and chair of the Programs and Services Committee, chair of the HF Band Planning Committee, member of the Ethics and Elections Committee, and member of the ARRL Foundation Board and Scholarship Committee chair; and WHEREAS, he has also shown his leadership by his extraordinary generosity as a member of the ARRL's Maxim Society; and WHEREAS, he has been an active Radio Amateur who has operated from approximately thirty countries and promoted International goodwill; and WHEREAS, his leadership and devotion to duty have earned both the respect of the Board and the admiration of the membership; and WHEREAS, since becoming a Radio Amateur in 1967, he has endeavored always to live by the Amateur's Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the League and Amateur Radio, the Board of Directors of the ARRL hereby elects Bruce J. Frahm K0BJ, to the position of Honorary Vice President, this ___ day of July, 2014.
participants (1)
Cliff Ahrens