[arrl-odv:20767] More on the centennial

We are close to opening a feature on the web site that will invite members to suggest things the League at the national level and radio clubs at the local level might do in observance of the ARRL's centennial in 2014. The invitation will encourage local clubs to share their ideas about local tie-ins to the national event, and the Centennial Celebration Committee will reflect those local tie-in ideas back to the clubs and the general membership once we have collected and organized them. There's already one good club tie-in in the works. The Antietam, Maryland, radio club plans an event with PR outreach at the location of Hiram Percy Maxim's grave in a cemetery in downtown Hagerstown. Maxim's wife came from a prominent Maryland family and the locals are very proud of having The Old Man's resting place in their town. As soon as that story goes public, please consider drawing it to the attention of the members in your Division if you happen to put out a bulletin or newsletter around that time. Whether or not the story is running by the time of Dayton, I'm going to carry a note pad and be asking people who stop by the meet & greet for their ideas. 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie